epiphany || taekook

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summary : once in awhile when i wake up, i find myself crying. the dream i must have had i can never recall. but, the sensation that i've lost something lingers for a long time after i wake up. i'm always searching for something, for someone. the feeling has possessed me, i think, from that day. that day when the stars came falling. it was as if a scene from a dream. nothing more, nothing less than a beautiful view.

genre : kimi no na wa au // body switch au

warning [!] major character death.

a/n; i agakgjkl not a fan of anime or anyth but i sobbed so hard watching kimi no na wa after like 9 times so i had to write smth. this is pretty short but enjoy !!

word count : 1,140


'The comet with an orbital period of 1,200 years will pass by in a month. It will be visible to the naked eye for several days.'   

Jungkook paced back and forth in his room.

He felt anxious, confused and worried all at the same time. Unlike his clouded mind, the sky outside was clear. The day was warm, trees were swaying in the gentle breeze, pretty flowers bloomed and decorated the dull village, the streets were filled with children's laughter as they skipped cheerily on their way to school and the bright chirping of birds flying in and out of their nests painted a beautiful morning scene.

But Jungkook hated the day. He needed a few more hours of blackness, just to sort out his thoughts. He didn't want to face the world outside, just yet. At least, not as someone else.

He plodded towards the mirror hanging on the wall, studying his reflection as if it were the very first time.

"He's alive," he muttered quietly to himself, as he watched tears welling up in his eyes in his reflection.

The door creaked open and a grey-haired woman slowly stepped into the room, staring at her grandson who has yet to get ready for school.

"Taehyung? You are running late, my dear."

Jungkook blinked away his tears and turned to face the grandmother. "Ah, yes. I'll be out soon."


Just like Jungkook, Taehyung couldn't help himself but stare at his reflection in the mirror.

His head was hurting, he could only vaguely remember the tales of yesterday. No matter how hard he tried to recall what happened before, he couldn't. But his heart hurts, so much.

It's been months since the two occasionally lived in each other's bodies. They never knew why it happened, and how to put an end to it. But within months, they learned so much about each other although they never actually met.

Though it was all too strange for the two, they found it amusing at times. Jungkook would wake up in the morning and look at his own reflection only to find out that Taehyung has drawn on his face with coloured markers. Taehyung once went to school not knowing that Jungkook had cut a hole at the back of his pants he wore. They both sabotaged each other's lives every now and then whenever they had the chance and it unknowingly bonded the two strangers, in a very special way.

At some point in time, they looked forward to switching bodies. They looked forward to reading letters that they left for each other. Sometimes written on the palm, sometimes on a piece of paper, and most times they left notes on each other's phones.

'Stop using up all my money!'
'Why are my friends avoiding me? Did you do something weird?!'
'My laptop isn't working anymore! You broke it didn't you!'

Was it possible to fall for someone you never met? Taehyung wasn't very sure, but he once admitted his love for Jungkook and to his surprise, Jungkook felt the same way about him.

So it was all fun and games, but they had a problem. They wanted to meet.

They were too far apart. Jungkook's the city boy who lived in the busy streets of Seoul. Taehyung belonged somewhere in the countryside, far from the modern cityscapes. But something stronger than distance kept them apart— time was so cruel, it would never be possible for them to chance upon each other if they weren't living by the same hour.

Taehyung flipped through the notebook that was placed under Jungkook's pillow, one that they both used to communicate with each other.

'Don't go anywhere, I'll come to you. -Jungkook'


Tomorrow came and the two didn't happen to switch bodies for the day.

Taehyung remembered the note that Jungkook left for him in his notebook and his mind was filled with endless questions. Could he finally see Jungkook? Would he be able to embrace Jungkook and be in his arms in return? Taehyung couldn't tell. But when dusk came, he left the house to ease himself, to ease his longing.

Taehyung watched the calm water as he sat on a rock by a lake. All he could think about was the city boy. He wanted to hold Jungkook, so bad. Why'd his love story be this complexed? He couldn't understand how the universe was so cruel to him.

Taehyung's eyes dripped with tears, drenching his cheeks. It pained him so much to be this lonely.

"I love you," Taehyung muttered under his breath as he stared up at the brightly lit moon in the night sky, in hopes that his words could be conveyed to Jungkook who was living on the other side of the world.

Just then, the comet arrives just right on time. The front making its bold way across the night sky, a brilliant streak of white tinged blue caressing the heavens. Taehyung watched the comet being set ablaze, his eyes grew wide in a way that exaggerates his long eyelashes that Jungkook adored so much.

He kept his eyes fixed on the comet as it approached closer. The world turned completely white. Then he saw his entire life before him. He saw Jungkook. It is him! But Taehyung couldn't seem to reach out. His breath stops.


'The comet fragment had hit the town in the countryside, completely destroying it in the last week.'

Jungkook immediately turned off the radio broadcast from his phone and took off his headphones, keeping them in his bag as he let out a heavy sigh. In his hands were a small bouquet of white roses. He stared out the small window by his seat, watching the trees dancing outside as he impatiently waited for the train ride to end.

After alighting from the dreadful ride to the countryside, Jungkook began embarking his journey to his desired destination.

The town was completely demolished. Houses and buildings turned to little specks of dust and fragments. Jungkook staggered towards the lake that had become twice its size compared to before. He discontinued his steps when he got by the lake and bent down to place the flowers on the ground. He couldn't stop his tears by then, dropping to his knees as he cried his heart out.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, my love," he whispered, "I love you most. I will never forget about you, your name, or us, Taehyung."

Jungkook gathered all his strength and stood up, turning away from the lake and walked away from the painful memories.

Out of the blue, his tears dried up. The roses withered. His heart healed. Jungkook stopped in his tracks, watching his surroundings. He became puzzled, not knowing what made him arrive in the unfamiliar town in the first place.

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