mr arrogant || taehyung

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summary : hyejin and taehyung decided to play truant without getting caught, but fate always brought them together; in detention class.

a/n : heres to the mr arrogant die-hard fans ion kno how yall even like that cringe fic but ok this ones for u ,, merry xmas

genre : ya called it,, mr arrogant au (?) but not rly an au // an unseen scene from book 1 !!

word count : about 1K lel


"Lee Hyejin."

I halted in my tracks. For a split second I felt as if my heart just dropped to the ground at the thought of getting caught, but a second later I rolled my eyes, knowing who was actually coming from behind me. If it weren't for the classes going on, I would have cursed at him at the top of my lungs. Taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling, I turned to look at him, standing at the other end of the hallway.

"I see, the good student's skipping lessons today, isn't she?" Taehyung taunted as he took steps towards me.

"Nah, just out here to go fishing," I threw a sarcastic response at him before I quietly continued my steps down the hallway, making sure I wouldn't get caught. But it was to no use, because the boy behind me was catching up with loud, elephant steps and the discipline master could have caught us anytime sooner.

I silently groaned, warily looking left and right before making a turn towards the emergency stairs. Turning the door knob as quietly as possible, I made sure that I was barely making any noise as I entered.

There was absolute silence, until Taehyung came in after me and forgot to close the door silently and instead kicked the door shut behind him, letting out a loud 'bang'.

In a heartbeat, my hand swung to slap his head, as if it was a natural response, which made him wince in pain. Footsteps came along a second later, which seemed to approach us.

'Shit' was all Taehyung could mutter as his face immediately turned pale, with eyes enlarged as he looked at me in panic.

"What are you, an idiot?!" I hissed, grabbing him by his collar and hastily pulling him to a corner, somewhere under the staircase where piles of boxes and an old cupboard were hidden.

We squatted in the dark corner, right behind the cupboard and shifted some boxes to cover ourselves in order to keep us out of sight.

Just then, we heard the door creak open before there were recognisable sounds of the discipline master's heels clicking on the floor.

"Hello? Anybody there?" He called out, and met with complete silence because Taehyung and I were holding our breaths as we tried our very best not to move an inch.

It was so difficult to keep myself from shoving Taehyung away from me but the space was so cramped, we had no choice but to stick closely together. One of his hands were resting on my shoulder, while the other had its palm pressing against the cupboard to keep himself balanced while squatting.

Taehyung twisted his head to look at me and mouthed to me a 'sorry', making me glare at him and he could only grin sheepishly.

After awhile, the discipline master finally exited and the moment I heard the door shut close, I burst through the pile of boxes and stood up, dusting myself.

"Why did you even come after me in the first place? We almost got into trouble because of you," I frowned and stared at Taehyung who was crawling out from the corner.

"I'm sorry, alright. I wondered why you weren't in class and I figured you were going to skip today, so let's go," he spoke, brushing dust off his sleeves.

"Let's go?" I repeated after him and quirked an eyebrow.

"If you're going to play truant, it's better together, than alone," he said before winking at me.

"Gross," I disgustedly eyed him from head to toe, making him let out a small chuckle as he made his way up the flight of stairs before me.


"So, why aren't you attending classes today?" Taehyung asked, resting his hands over the rooftop ledge as he stood beside me.

"I just felt like it. I feel really exhausted these days, so I didn't think I could endure sitting in the stuffy classroom throughout a whole two hours," I sighed. "And you? Let me guess. You didn't do the History homework?" I scoffed.

"I'll give a yes to that," Taehyung laughed. "But other than that, I just wanted to check up on you."

I turned to face him with a puzzled expression. "Me? Why?" I questioned.

"I don't know, you seem to look troubled lately, and I just wanted to make sure you're alright, I guess," Taehyung spoke in a gentle tone.

For a moment, he sounded so genuine. He sounded so unlike the Taehyung I knew, but that just made me see another part of him– he could be caring if he wishes to. And the fact that he just uttered words that expressed his concern towards me made me blush unknowingly.

I avoided his gaze, and avoided myself from smiling a little too widely as I looked at the landscape before us. "Well I guess I'm alright, just my parents. Same old story. But I'm doing fine, thanks."

I heard him let out a sigh, before I felt a hand being placed on my head.

"It's been hard on you, but you'll be fine," Taehyung said, patting my head gently. "I mean, I'm bad at comforting if you need me to, but I can listen if you need to tell me anything?"

I broke into a smile and looked up at him, "That's very nice of you, surprisingly."

He jokingly knitted his brows together, ruffling my hair afterwards and messing it up, which made me kick his knee in return.

"Ouch!" he yelped, and we both broke into laughters.

"Fresh air out here, ain't it kids?" A hoarse, stern voice came from behind us.

Our bodies froze. Synchronisingly, our heads slowly turned to look back as if we were on a horror movie. And there he was, the man scarier than any other ghosts that could've existed.

The discipline master.

"Detention, after school, both of you."

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