Chapter 1

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     Hey I'm Kelly, I'm 15 years old and I go to West End High School in NY. I have two older brothers, Rayan from my dads side and Chris from my moms side. I also have two little twin brothers on my dads side. I only live with Ray and the twins at my dads house. That's all i got.

September 9th • Kelly's House • Kelly's POV

Soooooo today's the first day of school, my sophomore year. Hooray. I get up out of bed, and check my phone and saw a good morning text from my girlfriend Alana telling me that she loves me and that shell be here to pick me up in half an hour. Yikes. Oh, did I forget to say I was gay? I left her on open and went downstairs to eat some cereal.

"Kelllyyyyyy!!!" My two little brothers Anthony and Andrew ran up to screaming about to hug me. It's hella annoying why they gotta do this every morning?

"Heyyyyy Ant and Drew..." Hella annoying. I walked past the dining room and went to the kitchen to make some cereal even tho I saw my stepmom Marie making breakfast. I swear I can't stand her. I don't even know why out of alllll the hoes my dad has he chose to marry this one. Oh well.

"Kellana... you see me making eggs and bacon why are you making cereal?" She asked me.

"Yeah Kellana" Ray said teasing me and copying his mom.

"It's Kelly and I don't want whatever you're making." I mean eggs and bacon does sound hella good right now but I'm not about eat her food. Not happening. I made my bowl of Lucky Charms and went upstairs to get dressed. I just put on some jeans, and Thrasher T-shirt and some red vans. Something basic. I took the curlers out my hair and started doing my makeup. Alana will be here in 25 minutes.

Ray's POV

Kelly is rude as hell. She SAW my mom making breakfast for us and still made cereal. Who does that? Anyway I'm about to leave cause I gotta go scoop the gang. I went to my room and grabbed my backpack and went to my car I got for my 16th birthday about two years ago. I walked passed it and started walking to Chres and Craig's block. We all walk to school since it's like five blocks down.

     "Ray" Chres and Craig said at the same time then dapped me.

   "Where's Jacob?" I asked. Usually he's here with them.

     "He went to get his girl he said don't wait up." Chres told me. "Where's Kelly?"

    "Her girlfriend picked her up." I said. I never liked Alana. She been dating Kelly for the whole summer but hasn't met our parents yet cause Kelly still hasn't came out.

    "Yo I should ask them for a thre— "

    I interrupted him. "Cut it out Chres." 

Same Day • At School Lunch • Kelly's POV

    Me, Alana, Alexis, Ray and his friends are all sitting at our lunch table. I'm filling out attendance papers for football since I'm the student manager. It looks good on college resumes so why not? I just hate the other manager. Keisha. She's deadass slept with damn near every guy on the football team yet guys still want her. I don't see what they see in her. Yeah she's pretty, but wouldn't it bother you knowing that your girl has fucked all your friends? I don't know what Jacob is thinking.

     "Baby I'll be back" Alana said to me as she got up and left the bathroom. I was gonna ask where to but I don't really care.

     "Alana's fine as hell just give me three minutes with her" Jacob said and I gave him a look. He got a whole damn girlfriend two tables over. "What?"

     "Don't play with me hoe" I laughed and continued filling out papers.


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My first book 🙂 What y'all think?

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