Dinner Party

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Phoebe: Hey Cherry how u doing

Cherry : I'm great but I do have some problems with my chemistry

Phoebe: Oh let me have a look

Cherry :sssh Cole is coming your way

Cole :Hey Cherry, Hi Phoebe how are you guys doing

Cherry: hey Cole, Phoebe I have to get going

Phoebe: Hi Cole, I'm good and you

Cole: Same here, hey are you free tonight

Phoebe: (Oh my God he's gonna ask me out, Play it cool Phoebe), sure why?

Cole: Oh I just wanted us to hangout, how about your place

Phoebe: Okay, what time

Cole: see you at seven

Phoebe: It's a date
                     (At home)

Phoebe: come on dad you know I've liked Cole forever

Hank: No Phoebe, it's too Dangerous

Barb: You know Hank the kids are mature enough to behave and we're gonna be there, let's give it a try

Max: No Hank don't do it

Hank: well okay

                       (In Max's lair)

Max: This shall not stand, and I will sabotage this dinner

Dr Colosso: what do you have in mind Max?

Max: I have a full proof plan, first I'm gonna release a storm of bees in the house, then I'm gonna release scorpions on the floor and finally I'm gonna put Spicy Hawaiian hot sauce in the soup to make it so Spicy they'll spit it all out

Dr Colosso : I love it, you're such an evil genius
                  (In the living room)

Phoebe: okay Mom, Dad it's time, come down stairs quick

Hank: Hello family, is it time to meet our guests

Phoebe: What are you guys wearing!!!

Barb: We wore this to prom and everyone cleared the dancefloor

Phoebe: That was because they were terrified of you

Hank: Should we go in and change

(Just then the door bell rang

Phoebe: Too late

(Door opens)

Phoebe: Hey Cole

Cole: Hey Phoebe, these are my parents, the cambels and my elder Sister

Hank and Barb: Delighted to meet your acquaintance, we are the Thundermans

Mr Cambel: Thunderman , do you have any relationship with the super hero Thunderman.

        (They all laugh)

Hank: Oh Billy

Billy: yes sir

Mr Cambel: your children are your servants

Hank: Of course not.

Barb: These are our tiny servants, only the very rich can afford them

Mr Cambel:(whispers to his wife) we have got to get one of those

Cole: Wow, I never knew your parents were this fancy

Phoebe: Me neither

Max: ummm Phoebe we have a huge problem, come

Phoebe: Max what

Max: I kinda sabotaged this dinner

Phoebe: You what!!!!?

Max: It was a mistake, I didn't want dad to lift the none sups rule, so I hired a Bee keeper

Phoebe: Oh no, Max we have to stop him
  (Max hurries to the door and gave him some money)

Max: Now buzz off

Phoebe: Okay what do you have next

Max: The scorpions

Phoebe: Scorpions!!!!

Max: I set them off everywhere

(They gather all the scorpions)

Max: Oh no

Phoebe : what?

Max: Look

Phoebe: Oh my God
      ( Phoebe rushes to Mrs Cambel)

Phoebe: Excuse me ma'am, Billy here is a certified hair stylist

Mrs Cambel: what can he do to my hair

Billy: First I'll yank it off like this
     (The scorpion fly out)

Max: gotcha

Mrs Cambel: Bad tiny servant

Billy: that will be fifty bucks

Phoebe: Max what else

Max: uhhhh the Hawaiian Hot sauce

Phoebe: where

               (In The Kitchen)

Nora: Add a half spoon of hot sauce, I'm not a chef, I'll just pour everything

Billy: Soup is ready

Nora: hey I say when. Soup is ready, Soup is ready

Hank: This hot sauce is quite elegant, hot hot hot

    ( He spits it out on Mrs Cambel)

Mrs Cambel: Uhhhhhhhhh

Barb: we're so sorry

Mr Cambel: Lets take our leave

(He stands up and burps loudly)

Hank: Good one

Mr Cambel: That is it we have nothing to do with the blundermans again, let us go

Phoebe: I'm so sorry

Cole: for what, tonight was great

Phoebe: But what about your parents

Cole: What are they gonna do, take away my polo membership

Phoebe: yeah

Cole: good I hate polo, tonight was great

Phoebe: see you at school

Hank: well I am disappointed in you kids, even with all the trouble you caused, you didn't use your powers, I'm lifting the rule

Max: What no, tonight went horrible, that couple hate us, I let scorpions out everywhere, maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud

Barb: well you did, so guess whose cleaning up

Cole's sister: hey Max call me

Max: Stupidest rule ever

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