Thunder-Ziall Oneshot

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A/N: Just some Ziall fluff involving a scared Niall and a loving Zayn :) I kind of rushed at the end  but whatever :P    I'll probably go back and edit this later....anyways please read and review, thanks!!

An ear splitting crack of thunder filled the air.  Niall drew his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms securely around them.  The Irish boy was terrified of thunderstorms and this was one of the worst he'd ever seen.

He quickly looked up and glanced at the clock.  2:00 am. He had been in this corner since ten.  Niall desperately wanted to go see Zayn.  Out of all the boys Zayn made him feel the most safe.  

He probably wouldn't like it though, it's two in the morning and this is a silly fear, Niall thought to himself.

Another flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder exploded outside.  Niall whimpered, pushing his palms hard against his ears in hopes of drowning out the horrible sound. 

The storm was supposed to end in about an hour, until then Niall just had to try and wait it out on his own.

He thought about going into the living room where it would be the most soundproof but quickly decided against it remembering the large window that would show him all of the horrors going on outside.  A huge clap of thunder shook the hotel room.  Immediately Niall tried cramming himself farther in the corner he was already deeply wedged in.

I can't stay like this, Niall thought, I need to talk to Zayn and get my mind off this stupid storm.

Niall stood up and began to quietly tip-toe across the room, flinching when a streak of bright white light  filled up the cloudy sky.

A little quicker now, knowing that he only had a minute at most before thunder would hit, Niall crept down the hall.

He stopped in front of Zayn's room.  The little blond boy gathered up his courage and softly knocked on the door, not expecting Zayn to be up.

"Come in."  A voice said from inside.

Niall cautiously opened the door. Peeking his head in he saw Zayn sitting on the edge of his bed facing the window.  He seemed  to be in deep thought as he watched the heavy gusts of rain pound against the glass.

When Niall was fully in the room Zayn turned his head to look at the Irish boy and smiled.  He didn't seem surprised to find Niall standing there.

"Can't sleep either. babe?"  He asked.

"No..." Niall looked at the floor, feeling his face flush as Zayn had called him "babe".  Suddenly, a massive booming sound rang through the air as thunder touched down.

Niall let out a yelp and backed into a corner.  All the while Zayn sat there looking confused then regonizition showed on his features.

"You're afraid of thunderstorms?" The Bradford boy asked quietly.

Looking at the ground, Niall nodded his head shyly.

"Come here Nialler," Zayn said smiling. He threw the sheets back and got in one side of the bed as he patted the spot next to him.

The blond boy walked over to the bed and slid in next to Zayn. Niall enjoyed the closeness and immediatly felt better now that he had his friend to comfort him.

Zayn smiled and wrapped his arms around the Irish boy.  Niall snuggled closer into his chest, enjoying the smell of cigarettes and hairspray lingering on his clothes.

Finally noticing how tired he was, Niall closed his eyes and began drifting off into unconciousness. 

Thinking he was asleep Zayn leant down and kissed Niall's forhead.

"Goodnight Niall...I love you," He whispered.

To his surprised Niall looked up and gave him a quick peck on the lips then quickly snuggled back into  the Bradford boy's chest. 

"I love you too, Zayn " He said smiling.

Niall fell asleep in Zayn's arms and stayed there even after the storm ended.  Being with Zayn made Niall forget everything else.  He didn't even notice the booming of thunder and the white flashes of lightning right outside their window.

Thunder-Ziall OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now