Chapter Three

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"Mr. Jeon!" Kim Namjoon called. Jungkook walked down the hall, leather boots clacked  on the floor. "Jeon Jungkook!" the older barked.

Jeon Jungkook was more hurt than mad. Taehyung refused to tell him the whole story behind Hoseok's little performance, even after all the attempts coming from the younger's part.

There was a naked prince (almost naked considering that the sheet hid half of his body) on top of a fair, plumped-liped and black haired man when Jungkook opened the door.

"Oh" Jungkook almost screamed, practically closing the door upon himself.

Taehyung groaned loudly and displeased.

"What are you doing?" The prince screamed

"Sir, I..." Jungkook tripped into the room and turned around bumping into the door again. He heard the bed pound, Taehyung getting down from the man, Jungkook imagined. Beyond the door crack, Namjoon had disappeared a long time ago.

"What do you want, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked softer than before, but still furious.

"Your Majest- Sir, hm" Jungkook mumbled, before getting his head together "Sir, I need to know about that thing"

"What thing?"

"The thing"

"What in the hell are you talking about?"

Jungkook looks at the shirtless man, red-faced and only protected by the sheet under his waist, and looks back at the prince.

"Get out, Jungkook"

And so he did. Or at least he tried to. Namjoon bursted in, sweating obviously from a recent run.

"Your Majesty," he desperately said, out of breath "Your Majesty, we have an emergency"

Taehyung sighed.

Walking fastly on the hall, Jungkook tries to talk to Taehyung, still mad.

"Sir, about that thing..."

"Yeah, what was that about?"

"It's about Hoseok. I didn't want to say it in front of... that man, because..."

"Because what?"

"It's confidential. Besides, I thought he would care. Get jealous, something"

Taehyung suddenly stopped.

"He's a prostitute, your headass. The only thing that matters to him about me is his payment"

Namjoon touched the inside of Taehyung's arm. "Sir," The general's skin usually had a golden tone, but at this moment it was snow white, that made the contrast between his brown hair and skin much larger. "We must go."

In front of the open door of the round table room, there were at least thirty guards pushing and pulling each other, shoving their heads on any spare space to see whatever was happening inside that room. As Taehyung passed and people opened the way, he felt their looks towards him. Some curious, some tense, but apologetic in their majority.

In the middle of the table, there was a medium-sized box made of heavy wood. It was closed. Around the table, Taehyung recognised Kim Seokjin and a few knights he saw often. Namjoon stood next to Jungkook, behind the prince.

Taehyung touched the lid and almost instantly felt his fingers get cold, like he was touching a block of ice, except the box wasn't cold. Taehyung's whole body was.

The first thing he saw was it's open mouth, blue lips. The next thing was his eyes. Dead. It took a few seconds for him to notice the wound of the decapitated neck.

The head inside that box was familiar to everyone, but specially Taehyung, who felt his eyes burning of tears.

It was his father, the king.

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