Chapter 2: Ring Ring

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It's been a few days since what happened with me and Jack but for some weird reason I keep thinking about it, anyway I have bigger problems to deal with today. Returning to high school. Oh no...

It's been four years since I've been there and I'm pretty sure I have like zero friends now. Well might as well go now.

Daniel, Wyatt and I were dropped off there and I instantly felt nervous.

"Hey, it's going be fine Hope" Daniel smiled reassuringly

"Look you can hang with me and the boys today if you need to?" He asked

"No, no I'm fine" I smiled

I walked through the halls and all eyes were on me, great... just great. And then came the new girl whispers that always happen, I rolled my eyes as I heard some of them, why are people so judgmental?

"Is she new?"

"Is that the new girl??"

"Omg it's Hope Seavey"

"Remember her"

"Oh my god"

"She's fit as fuck"

"Look at that ass"

"She's cute"

"I'd bang that any day"

"Ew she looks slutty"

"She better not mess with our group girls or OUR boys"

"She looks like a bitch"

"I hate her already"

I ignored the remarks and comments and headed into the office.

I was greeted with the principal and he brought a "buddy" to take me around the school and to be my "friend" I honestly don't know how to feel right now.

The girl walked in, she had blonde hair with a mix of dirty blonde. She smiled at me so I'm guessing it might be okay...

I walked out the office with her and she looked over to me.

"So... I'm Winter Banks, yep like the season" she laughed

"I'm Hope, Hope Seavey" I smiled

"Yeah I know, everyone has been talking about you coming back" she laughed

"Yeah... I heard them all talking in the corridor, not the funnest experience I've had" I rolled my eyes

"I know, some of the boys can be dicks here and don't even start me on the girls" Winter ruffled her hair

"Yeah I know exactly what you mean" I laughed

"Speaking of some of the mean girls here comes one" Winter muttered

A girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes walked up to me wearing heals with lots of makeup.

"Oh hey Spring, oops I meant Winter who's your friend here?" She demanded

"Hope Seavey, why?" Winter glared at the girl

"Oh... I'm just wondering, are you Daniels sister?"

"Yeah" I replied confused

"Oh well if you're Daniels sister you shouldn't be hanging out with such a loser like Winter" she laughed obnoxiously

"Shut up Ava!" Winter angrily answered for me

"Well that's no way to treat someone Winter, looks like you have anger issues. Now, Hope when you realise who is actually the better person come find me" she faked smiled and stood on Winters foot and walked away with a sway in her hip

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