1: No Regrets: A Mindless Behavior Story ☮

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June 18, 2012

Princeton’s Diary:

We just had one mind-blowing concert. It was the beginning of our 25 show tour. This was the moment we all have been waiting for. It may sound silly, but Alabama is one hell of a state.

The hospitality is humbling and the deep fried chicken is the best. I met a lot of southern people, as you could say. This is our last day here, so I’m going to live it up. We were doing a meet and greet at Bell Air Mall in Mobile.

Each event is so fun and thrilling. Back in California, I really didn’t socialize a lot because I was bullied. The fans here are just so great. But this one girl, she made my heart stop breathing (expression) not just kidding. She was so calm and beautiful. She looked cute and casual. I’m guessing her sister or friend, light skinned girl who looked like she was about to faint, was with her.

When she saw us, oddly, she walked the other direction. That disappointed me; no one could read me through my lens though. At the end, I asked Keisha did she recall a tall, dark skinned girl wearing a green shirt. I don’t know why I expected her to know, considering about 300 people were lined up. I just shook it off; I’m used to getting over my emotions.

Then that feeling came again. As we were walking towards our discreet black van, there she was leaning against her mom’s car I guess waiting for me. That girl started screaming again, and Walter told us to hurry and go to the van. I didn’t budge. I walked straight over to her and said “Hi, My name is Jacob, what’s yours”?

The other jittery girl opened up the car door and her mouth was fixed into an “O” position. I hugged her. I could definitely tell she was younger. I already knew the deal. She was a secret Mindless fan, the ones who say we are so “gay” and “ugly”, but deep down inside are crazy about us. Hormones.

The woman in the passenger side exclaimed “Niki, we waited on these boys for 4 hours straight, just so you could meet them face to face hurry up, it’s cold and I’m hungry”! Her embarrassing face made me blush. I knew the feeling.

“Hey nice to meet you P-Pr, I mean Jacob, May I please get a picture with you or an autograph”? “Of course” I said, Niki, Tiffany, and I all did a group picture on their disposable camera and my iPhone. I drew peace signs on their hands. The smile on her face could light up the moon for eternity.

By then, Keisha and Walter stormed up to me, pissed explaining how boys like me don’t walk up to a stranger’s car. I found out the lady was her grandmother and then they started talking like old friends from back in the day.

“Want to meet the rest of the guys”? I asked her. “Sure”. It was very dark outside but the headlights from the van guided us. She was getting more talkative now and she spoke very proper. Her sister was starstruck, her grin reaching from ear to ear. We talked awhile, away from everyone else and she told me what high school she went to and stuff like that. We conversed for a good 10 minutes before she had to go home. I hugged her and did something I knew was wrong. I gave her my number. I told her every night at 10, I had to give my phone up. We both were smiling like idiots. Don’t worry, I asked her did she have any “special” male friends. This was a very good day….


Guys this story will get a lot better. The stuff in here happened for real! JKJK anyways comment and I will happily add more.

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