A Double Wedding

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Lucy P.O.V

          "Lucy. Lucy wake up." I heard a voice call. My eyes, ever so gently, opened. As I looked around, I came face to face with Juvia. The blue haired girl stared into my eyes.

          "Lucy, come on. We need to begin getting ready for the wedding" She said pulling me out of bed. I yawned while stretching my arm out into the air. Reaching over on my desk, I grabbed my celestial keys.

          "Open, gate of the Giant Crab! Cancer!" I called. A bright gold flash appeared and Cancer appeared.

          "What kind of hairstyle would you like today? -ebi" Cancer asked.

          "We need, a sort of wedding style. Would you mind do my hair like how my mom's hair used to be?" I asked fidgeting my fingers.

          "Of course, ebi. I am honored" He said bowing while snipping his scissors. Juvia and I smiled. Cancer right away got to doing our hair.

Natsu P.O.V

          I stayed at Gray's place last night, since I wasn't aloud to stay at Lucy's. Something about not being able to see her before the wedding. A bunch of crap.

          "So, you guys ready for the big day?" Gajeel asked. He was there because 'He was helping us prepare'

          "Yep, sure am. Been waiting for awhile" I replied.

          "Same here" Gray agreed. Gajeel patted our backs.

          "I'm proud of ya'" He said.

          "Thanks. Now, when are you and Levy going to get together?" Gray asked arching his eyebrow. Gajeel blushed.  Gajeel... Blushing? Ahahahaaa!

          "Ahahahahaa! You like her and you know it." I cackled.

          "Uh... What? Do not!" He yelled trying to punch me.  I quickly dodged it. Gray and I laughed while Gajeel pouted. After some time of laughing at Gajeel, we started putting on our tuxedos.

          Mine was black and red. Gray's was black and blue. Honestly, we looked super cool. I mean, it wasn't the most comfortable outfit, but we looked awesome.

          I was so prepared for this. Nothing will stop me from marrying the woman I love. Everything will be great.

Juvia P.O.V

          After Lucy and I were done getting our hair done, it looked amazing. I couldn't believe my hair was so gorgeous. Mira came over to Lucy's apartment and did our make up. After that, I wasn't sure I was looking at myself.

          I felt so, pretty. Gray is going to love it!! Finally, the day has come where I can marry my beloved. Ahh, Gray. You're just so mesmerizing.

          Now, no one but me can have Gray. I can finally have that perfect family with the one I love. ♥♥♥

Gray P.O.V

          Natsu and I were done getting ready. We didn't slick our hair back or anything. Just left it plain and normal. Why get so spiffy if this is the way I looked when Juvia fell in love with me?

          Natsu and I left the dressing room and to our surprise, our mom was there.

          "Mom!" We exclaimed as we ran in for a hug. She hugged us tightly.

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