Left alone

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Sasuke: Jack! Jack! Wake up!

Jack woke up sleepy.

Jack: What?

He wined.

Sasuke: Come on sleepy head!

Shizou: Hey! Don't scare him to death alright!

Jack slowly stood up.

Izaya: I don't see any spaceships so we much be good...

Jack: Where are we going?

Sasuke: Umm....your not going anywhere...your staying here...

Jack: What?

Eren: We decided to keep you here...

Jack: Why? I thought your guys job was to protect me...

Shizou: it is....let's just say last night wasn't the best of nights....

Jack looked confused.

Izaya walked over to Jack and put his hands on his shoulders.

Izaya: Don't worry Jack...we will be back before you know it....just try to stay out of sight if a spaceship comes ok?

Izaya gave Jack a small smile.

Jack sighed.

Jack: Fine...

Sasuke: and don't eat all the food!

Jack: Got it!

Izaya, Shizou, Sasuke, and Eren went down the mountainside.

Jack was left alone.

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