Chapter 9

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"Why am I so nervous right now?" Barry says while he wrings his hands and glances at the S.T.A.R. Labs sign outside the doors to the building.

"I don't know," you say. "Maybe because conversing with your past self can potentially create a time-paradox thus causing a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space-time continuum and destroy the entire universe."

Barry stares at you with a blank look on his face.

"But don't worry!" you try to peddle back. "I totally busted that myth back there. It's all good. We're still alive, right? And no impending doom in sight!" Barry takes a deep breath to calm his nerves. He leads you down the ramps and around a curved corridor until he reaches a room dubbed "The Cortex." Cisco sits at the desk but jumps to his feet at seeing you both.

"What are you doing here?" Cisco hisses through his teeth. "You can't be here! What if you-?"

"We know, we know," Barry cringes. "But there's been a major hitch in the plan." Cisco finally takes notice that you are still with Barry and not currently being held pretend-hostage by a mad criminal.


"Yeah," you confirm his suspicion. "Snart took Past Me instead. She's got to be so incredibly freaked out right now." Now Caitlin walks into the room and does a double-take at you and Barry.

"Oh, hi guys," she says. "Barry, I thought you'd just left." Barry goes to explain himself, but Caitlin continues, "-But we're glad you're here because we just got word that Snart has escaped from Iron Heights. That has to be some sort of prison break record."

"Caitlin, listen," Barry says. "Is Doctor Wells still here? We have something urgent to tell you both."

"I'm right here, Mr. Allen," says a bespectacled man wheeling in on a chair, apparently the great physicist himself. "This must be Miss (Y/L/N). We've heard a great deal about you these last couple days. What's the urgent news?"

It shouldn't have been surprising how quickly Wells and Caitlin came to understand the unique predicament as Barry and yourself recount the time-travelling story for what feels like the hundredth time. Right away, the S.T.A.R. Labs team started to brainstorm ideas to save Past You. So far, things are looking good as a plan begins to unfold. You must look nervous because Doctor Wells wheels over and puts a hand on your shoulder.

"Don't worry, Miss (Y/L/N). We'll do everything in our power to save your other self and to get you back to your time." Wells gets a funny look in his eyes. "I can't imagine how that must feel..."

"I guess this makes you Doc Brown, Doctor Wells," Barry points out, and gives you a knowing smile.

You gasp at how perfect it sounds. "Doc Wells..."

"Ah, yes," he says. "Tremendous picture."

"Oh! Doctor Wells, you have to show (Y/N) your impression of him," Barry insists. "She'll love it."

"Hey!" Cisco interrupts. "Who's been helping you from the start? I'm so your Doc Brown."

"You're right, Cisco," you give in. "The title belongs to you."

"While I admire your thoughts on mock casting," says Wells, "I do believe we have an unsuspecting young lady to save?" It's this moment that things decide to take a turn for the awkward. A zooming Past Barry skids into the room.

"You guys! Snart has-" he stops in front of your Barry and several varying levels of shock flash across his face. First at seeing you, then at seeing himself, and of course, seeing you two together. "(Y/N)? What's going on?" You glance at both Barrys, preparing yourself for another long winded explanation for the only one still left in the dark.

Great Scott, Barry! (A Barry Allen x Reader Fic)Where stories live. Discover now