Chapter 4: our friend ship

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(Your P.O.V)
I held him by his shoulder  "what up Soul are you okay!?" I asked shaking him he looked at me "I'm...okay...." he said forcefully smiling "no your not..." I said under my breath he heard me he came towards me and pulled me into a hug he pulled me...

(Layla's P.O.V)


there was a massive noise coming from upstairs everyone looked at the ceiling "Layla would you go see what that was please" my mother said to me sweetly "Sure" I gave them a closed eye smile and ran off upstairs and followed the noise I could here laughing I opened the door to see Soul and (Y/n) laughing on the floor I went from a shocked look to a happy look and left them alone, I walked back downstairs "it's just Soul and (y/n) they were play fighting and they fell on the floor" I said walked back next to my father sitting opposite Lukas

(Your P.O.V)
Soul started to tickle me after we fell to the floor he was smiling at me I begged him to stop. He then stopped and we both sat up he looked back down to the floor "Soul? What's up?" I asked him rubbing his back "well it's just my parents don't see me as I am and my brother gets all the attention I never got. I...I just want to get out of here!" He said angrily "Hey! Look! We will get out of here together!" I jumped at him swig my arms around the back of his neck and I whispered "I promise" he smiled and hugged me back gently and softly "when?" He said still in a hug "soon" I pulled back as I gave him a closed eyed smile he just agreed
The night went really well time and Layla had to sleep in different room comparing to the boys and parents

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