A Dusty Shade of Blue

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-1 and 1/2 month later-

3rd Peron pov.

Dust Rig, [classified coordinates]

In the middle of the ocean, there is a Schnee Dust company rig. A week prior to that day, many lives were taken by the White Fang, who currently inhabit said dust rig, shortly after having killed the original crew aboard the rig.

A bulkhead finally arrived and a certain their came strolling out. With a lot cigar in his mouth, his trusty cane in hand, and an annoyed scowl upon his face, the red haired man made his way off the airship and walked towards a group that stood out like a sore thumb in the midst of all the White Fang Faunus members.

Roman: Y'know, if you were looking for a repair man, you should've called a repair man. Not a thief.

The black haired beauty before him merely stared at him with her amber eyes. Unamused with his joke. As for her tanned, green haired assistant to her left, she rolled her eyes. And the Silver haired boy to her right, he gave a small grin.

Cinder: Roman, we have a problem...

Roman: Let me guess, you ran out of tampons and you need me to steal some for you?

Mercury: pffffft.... Ahahahahaahaha!

Emerald: can you get serious?! Even for a second?

Cinder merely grimaced and tried to refrain from shouting.

Cinder: Roman... Something... Unexpected.... Has happened. A new group has been causing a lot of trouble for us. Taking out White Fang's Dust heists, returning dust, gaurding shipments to Vale. Even laying waist to crime syndicates and faunus traffickers. I know that it is a 9 manned team, and I know that a man named Shadow leads that team. And one other members is known as Courier 7. One looks like a robot, named Meta, greater than any in Atlas Knight, maybe even the Paladins that are about to be released to public knowledge. Five of the others wear matching black outfits with a strange red band on their arms and a cross on such bands. And the last is a girl who wears a black hood, skimpy clothes and some kind of jacket, she acts as their pilot. They are highly dangerous. So much so that I have had to take drastic measures and ask for some aid from my mistress. That said. Since you are not competent enough to pick out "minions" that aren't total morons, I've gone and chose one for you... Oh Neapolitan~

Suddenly a glass image, that no one even knew was there before, shattered in between Roman and Cinder. Revealing a young ice-cream looking girl. Mono colored brown and pink hair and eyes. She gave a kitty to Roman.

Roman: Well isn't she adorable? But I don't really like working with-*krak* AAAAAAHHHWOWOWUH!!!

Roman dropped to his knees in tears holding his nuts that just got violently kicked by the girl. She then added insult to injury by bitch smacking him across the face. And A wink.

Cinder: You will work with her, or I'll-

White Fang 1: Ma'am! Ma'am!

Cinder rolled her eyes, and gave a pisses off sigh as she turned to the Faunus.

Cinder: What is it?

The White Fang member pointed to the sky above them, where a dark stormcloud rapidly covered the sky and lightning was lighting up inside the pitch black clouds.

White Fang: Suddenly that came from nowhere. And the radar says its gonna get worse. Should we head inside?

Cinder: *Scoff* not unless its hail, extreme lightning or A tsunami.

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