It's time you know the truth

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Chapter 5: It's time you know the truth.

Lexie's Point of View:

I woke up at 8:30 this morning, I had to take a shower and get ready. Justin was picking me up at 10. I went in the shower, quickly washed my hair and then I did my hair, I just put a high ponytail on the top of my head, did my usual makeup : cover up, mascara. I decided to wear my acid wash high waist shorts with a floral crop top where you can see my belly ring. I decided to wear my toms' wedge, because you know when you're only 5 feet you have to find a way to look taller, especially when Justin is 5 feet 7, I mean I look like a shortie next to him. When I was done I looked at my phone to see I had a text from Chris.

Chris: Yo Lex ! You still alive or what?
Me: Yeh why? Sorry I've been busy lately :$
Chris: You n' Justin aye? Miss you tho, where you at? Wanna chill later today?

I kind of miss Chris too, I mean we haven't really talk since the party and it was like what a week ago? we rarely go more than a day without talking. Before I had the time to answer him, I heard someone knock on the door, must be Justin.

Me: Sure, let's meet at the beach at 2? Bring Ry and the rest I miss 'em too! Justin's here. I gotta go. Love you big bro <3
Chris: Ok, will do, see you at 2. Love you too lil sis.<3 Don't have to much fun with Justin aye! Ain't ready to be an uncle now ;)

I rolled my eyes at Chris' text and didn't bother answering him back. When I got down stair I saw that Anabelle already opened the door and was talking to Justin, so I walked to them, "hey, ready to go?" Justin asked me with a huge smile on his face. May I add that his mouth dropped for a split second when he saw me. "Have fun lovers, but not too much" Anabelle winked. "Shut up" I blushed and Justin just stood there smirking, "we'll try." He took my hand and we left in his car, "So where are we going?" I asked him after a while. "Somewhere I like to go when I need to think." He looked at me only to bring his eyes back on the road seconds later. "By the way, we're going to the beach this after-noon with Chris and Ryan. I haven't talked to them in awhile" I looked at Justin with a smile and he just nodded in approval. 10 minutes later we arrived at the most beautiful place I have ever seen! It was like a field full of flowers and there was no one here, how come I've never been here? I've lived in Stratford all my life, "Wow Justin, it's beautiful! How did you found this place?" I looked at him then back at the field, I dropped to the ground and sat there in the middle of all the flowers. "When I learned that Avalanna died, I was so upset and angry at myself I needed to escape. I needed to leave and be alone, with only my music so I walked with my guitar for an hour or so. I had no idea where I was going, I just needed to clear my head. When I saw this beautiful place I couldn't believe my eyes. I sat down just like you did and start composing music. I always thought Avalanna guided me here, she knew I would like it here. Since then, every time I need to think I come here." he sat down next to me and intertwined or fingers together. "Now you said you needed to talk to me last night? About what?" I could tell he was a bit nervous, but who could blame him? When a girl say 'We need to talk' most of the time it's nothing good. I took a deep breath and started to explain everything, "When you asked me if I ever had boyfriend before at that party I told you that no I've never dated anyone besides Christian for like 2 weeks, well I kind of lied. You opened up to me last time, and now I guess it's my turn. I want to. I want to tell you everything, I want you to know why I am who I am today. Last year, I was in a relationship with someone, it was like what you see in the movies I liked him for as long as I could remember, we were a couple acting like best friends. He took me on dates, he treated me like a princess the first month or 2 that we were together. I thought he was the one, I liked him a lot Justin. One night I texted him, I wanted to see him. He told me he was busy doing homework, but it was a summer night? I knew he was lying but I let it go. I mean, he's my boyfriend I should trust him right? We were together for awhile now, I was 16 and I was still naïve, we haven't done anything and he said he would be waiting for me so I believed him. I wasn't ready anyways." I took a breath because I was getting emotional by now. I never told anyone before, Anabelle and Nate knew but that's about it. Chris knew Trevor wasn't honest with me but he doesn't know everything. "Lexie, you don't have to, if it's too hard-" I cut him short, " I decided to surprise him, I drove to his house, it was our 6 months anniversary, when I got there there was another car in his parking lot, I thought maybe his mom bought a new truck or something. I entered without bothering knocking first. I went downstairs where his room was and just before I entered the room I heard someone moaning. I didn't wanted to believe it, so I opened the door and to my surprise there he was, naked on top of a girl about to have sex with her. She wasn't any girl though, the girl under him was my best friend, Marissa. I left crying like a baby, he ran after me telling it was not what it looked like. I slapped him and left." I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Justin lifted my chin up and whipped the tears away. "Lex, he was not worth it, and if she slept with your boyfriend behind your back she was not a true friend." " You don't get it Justin, that's not the worst part. I kept my distance but I missed him so much, I couldn't go a day without thinking about him. I was crying myself to sleep every night, I started to get depressed. I started to cut myself, to go to parties and just drink the night away. I was 16 years old and I was smoking and drinking on a regular basis. Chris and Ry knew about that, they tried to do something but I'm a stubborn bitch so I pushed them away. They eventually came back but for a while I was alone, no one cared for me. One night Trevor texted me he told me he missed me and all the shit, we talked all night long and I forgave him Justin, I forgave him because I thought he had changed. Boy was I wrong. The first week we got back together everything went perfectly fine. I had stopped cutting, drinking and smoking, Chris and Ry came back to me and Marissa and I were now back friends. I thought nothing could go wrong, my life was starting to make sense again. That's when Trevor started to abuse me. Not physically, only mentally. Every time I did something he kept telling me how a piece of shit I was or how useless I was. Words hurts too. I thought I loved him and one time he told me that if I wouldn't sleep with him he would dump me. I was scared to loose him but I was also scared to sleep with him because I wasn't ready. I told him I didn't wanted to just yet and that's when he started to hit me. Not hard but enough to left bruises on my body. It lasted 3 months before Anabelle realized something was off, I started to cut myself again, I was getting depressed again. One night at diner Nate and Anabelle saw the marks Trevor left on my body, that's when they told me to break up with him. That night, Nate went at Trevor's place and beaten the shit out of him, he told him that if he'd ever lay hand on his sister again, he wouldn't just have a broken nose and a broken ribs, he would kill the bastard. I never saw Trevor after that night. I have no idea where he is now and I couldn't care less. I learned a few months later that Marissa was still seeing him and was still sleeping with him while we we're back together. I've never been more hurt, my best friend and my boyfriend both lied to me and both betrayed me." I was now full on crying, it's been a year and I've never been able to forget about that. Its still hurt the same. Justin wrapped his arms around my waist and my head was resting on his chest while I was crying. He was stroking my back for a little before he spoke, "Lex, you are so strong! You are beautiful, you are worth it, you are intelligent, you are kind, you are brave, you are beautiful in every way and if I ever see this bastard I will kill the living shit out of him. You do not deserve anything that had happened. You are one of the most strongest person I know. You've been through a lot and I am glad you opened up to me. I can't promise I wont ever hurt you, but I can promise you my very best that I will do anything to make you happy. I'll try to push you away because that's who I am, and you will try to push me away because I know you will try to protect yourself from falling in love again. But I will fight for you, I will fight every minutes of my life for you, and I want you to fight for me even if I push you away, because I might say things that will hurt you but I will NEVER mean them. You know who I am, I don't fall in love and I don't do relationship. I am a dick, a bad boy, I hurt people because I'm scared. I am broken, but so are you, and together we'll fix each other." I never thought he would say that to me. I knew what kind of boy he was, I knew he was a bad boy but I couldn't help it. I was falling for him slowly and it scared the shit out of me. I never liked anyone since Trevor. We stayed silence in each others arm for a good hour before my phone went off. I looked at the caller ID and it was Christian. Shit I forgot about him. I picked up " Hey Chris, sorry I lost track of time, I will be there in 15 minutes. Love you too, Bye." I took Justin's hand and dragged him to his car, "Let's go Justin, we have to meet Chris, Ryan, Chaz, Nate, Anabelle, Caitlin and Seb at the beach, they are waiting for us!" We got in the car and drove to the beach, when we got there Justin took my hand in his and we walked hand in hand. Just before we reach the guys Justin whispered in my ear, "I like you Lex, more and more every day" and with that he kissed me. I looked at him in the eyes and I swear I could get lost in his beautiful hazel brown eyes. I smiled at him and we joined everyone else. I haven't seen my brother Nate in a long time so when I saw him I could help but smile. Today was definitely one of the best day of my life. I opened up to Justin, I had my brother back, I was able to chill with both my friends and family and most of all, Justin and I were getting stronger everyday. I spent the rest of the day enjoying the sun, gossiping with my girls, swimming and having fun with the ones I love.

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