A bittersweet hello

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I wake just as we enter Minneapolis,my father has been driving all night not once did I feel the car stop for more then a minute. I look over at Benzo he's on his phone hyping his friends that we've just arrive back home,I look out the window " home sweet home huh" I can only imagine what kind of neighborhood we're moving into seeing we have no money,but I'll stay strong and make it work for him. We pull into a driveway to a little house a little blue house I feel like I know this place,like I've seen it before. My father turns off the car and turns towards us,I can see the excitement in his face but the pain in his eyes it's so noticeable.
"Welcome home kids,Benzo you may not recognize this palace but Kenzo you should."  He hops out the car and walks up to the house instantly my heart drops and my eyes fill with tears,daddy this is home.
     We lived in this blue house since I was born mama got it from her mama and so on this house has been in our family for generation. I quickly got out the car in excitement we are home I loved this house and all the memories we've had Benzo was born right here in this house. Looking around the neighborhood I see it hasn't changed a bit but if this is where we are living I'm willing to definitely make it work,only because it's home.
"Kenzo you seem so happy to be here now,why?"
"Benzo this is home mama had you here,mama died here,daddy even set this very house on fire on Christmas trying to use the fireplace,I'm happy to be back in our home"
As the movers pull into the dirt driveway I see a familiar face,he just looks older,taller,more handsome then I remember. He's standing in his yard smoking a splif eyeing me and laughing with his friends I try not to look but he's staring so hard I can't help but to look back. Benzo stands next to me and grabs my hand and starts to pray,he never does this he never acts as if he has worries what is going on with him.?
"Kenzo.." at this point Benzo is holding my hands and looking me in my eyes "I know this sucks ass and everything but I'm happy to be out here I promise you just like I promise dad that I will stay out of trouble just as long as you and him do the same."
"Benzo I gotchu no matter what." I kiss his forehead and walk away,only to have the boy next door watch my every move....home sweet home it is.

We're all unpacked and now I'm just getting dress,Benzo wants me to go to a bonfire next door all his friends are throwing him a welcome home party and well he said it'll be good for me to let loose. I look at myself in the mirror studying my outfit for the night,a blue crop top with some workout pants I chuckle to myself only wishing I didn't agree to this but I can't let him go alone. Benzo walks into my room dressed in a blue polo and some black jeans that's definitely my twin.
"Kenzo really you gone wear that.?"
"Benzo you lucky I'm going I can wear what I want leggings are a crime." I laugh and turn to put my jacket on I check myself one last time then we leave out.
Walking towards the crowd of people I start to notice a lot of old face,like carlee I fought her in this yard the year we moved I was so scared but hey it worked in my favor,mike the once fat chess player is now the "local drug dealer " whatever that means it was nice seeing their faces but I could of did without. We walk to the back yard and once Benzo is in eye sight of everyone the party gets hyped I stand as if I'm a stranger to these people knowing I grew up with half of them. Benzo leaves me to go hang with his friends,my Benzo six foot tall standing at about two hundred pounds,curly jet black hair,and a tattoo under his right eye,I'd kill for that man no doubt.
I stood in front of the pit allowing the heat to hit my body,allowing myself to just relax. I pull my phone out my pocket and scrolled through my timeline when I felt hands wrap around my waist and the smell of weed hit my nose, I turn so quickly to find the staring star right next to me.
"Still as beautiful as you were the day y'all left,Benzo got big how old my boy is now.?"
I look at him so confused cause I honestly can't make out who he is. He hits the splif then raises the remy bottle to his lips,he looks me up and down then smiles.
"Um he's 17 now,I'm sorry who are you."
"You really telling me you don't recognize me.? I mean I am older now but I noticed you the day you were standing in your yard ma." He stood looking down at me hitting his splif with a smile painted across his face.
I look him over trying hard to figure out who he is,five foot ten,fade, skin the color of milk chocolate,and a scare underneath his eye honestly sir who are you.? He hits the splif again and runs his hands across my waist as he moves behind me,instantly my heart starts beating fast just him touching me sends chills down my spine. I peep Benzo look at us when I finally turn my gaze towards him,he makes his way across the yard to me.
"Aye Birdie wassup dude I haven't seen you in years."
Your kidding me Birdie.! I turn and look at him smirking after every hit he passes the splif to Benzo and whisper in my ear while holding my waist.
"I've missed you,I always kept tabs on you ma Benzo always made sure I knew you were okay,I know you didn't expect to ever see me again...but it's me ma."
     Birdie walks off into the house hitting his bottle he looks at me one last time then disappears. I can't believe it's him, Birdie and me dated for a couple days or weeks then I had to move away he was such a sweet boy when I left I just never thought I'd see him again. In a daze I walk towards the house he walked into leaving Benzo standing in front of the pit, I need to make sure this is really him. I walk into the house instantly I can smell the weed and spilt liquor. Music blaring loud girls an boys laughing everywhere I just need to find Birdie.
    The moment I walk around the corner I spot him standing in the room talking to some of his friends. I catch his eye and he signals me to come towards him,my heart start beating faster and faster as I approach the room, Birdie oh Birdie so handsome after all these years I never thought I'd see him again mainly cause I didn't think to be back in Minneapolis,but so far so good. I knock lightly on the door catching everyone's attention Birdie turns towards his friends and orders everyone out.
"Come in ma,I'm glade you followed me in here"
     Birdie closes and locks the door behind me and sits on the desk putting the remy to his lips he looks me up and down like he's admiring my body. Birdie stands up and walks towards me eyeing me, the closer he get the more I back myself up against the door...what is he doing.?
"Your so beautiful Kenzo..." He caresses my face and pushes his body onto mines and grabs me by my waist " seeing you yesterday just made me realize how much I've missed you,your so beautiful ma."
    Birdie steps closer pushing me completely against the door,he places one hand on my waist and another cuffing my chin he kisses my lips lightly causing my body to over react to his touch.
" I just had to do that Kenzo I know it's been years but if I could of kept you here you would of been mines."
"Birdie." I whisper slowly kissing him back I know I shouldn't cause I don't know who he is anymore but I couldn't resist his touch or his soft kisses.

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