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maybe I'm not the person everyone thinks i am

"SO you killed her?" Skye asked her brother as Stiles opened up the school doors for her

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"SO you killed her?" Skye asked her brother as Stiles opened up the school doors for her. She sent him a mega-watt smile before turning to her brother again.

"I don't know," he told her, shaking his head. "I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe." He stopped walking and turned to them. "I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before."

"Really?" Stiles questioned in disbelief. "I have. Usually ends a little differently."

Skye bit her lip as she thought about him being sweaty and with no shirt on. She then furrowed her eyebrows. What does he look like without a shirt on? She looked him up and down, the slightly bigger shirt and jacket he had on gave her not even the slightest clue.

"A," I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real, and "B," never give me that much detail about you in bed again," Scott told their best friend, looking at him in disgust. "And dude, my sister is right here." He gestured to Skye.

"Scoot, I'm older than you," she pointed out. "Plus, I can handle a little smut." She winked at Stiles who blushed furiously.

"Noted." Stiles nodded. "Let me take a guess here—"

"No, I know, you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out."

"No, of course not." Stiles shook his head which made both Soctt and Skye give him a look. "Yeah, that's totally it." Scott heaved a sigh and started to walk away. "Hey, come on, it's gonna be fine, all right? Personally, I think you're handling this pretty freakin' amazingly. You know, it's not like there's a lycanthropy for beginners class you can take."

"Yeah, not a class, but maybe a teacher," Scott suggested and it took Skye a few seconds before she realized who he meant.

"Who, Derek?" She slapped Scott upside the head. "You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?"

"Yeah, I know, but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it felt so real," Scott told her and that's when she saw the fright in his eyes.

"How real?"

"Like it actually happened." They pushed open another set of double doors to only find a bloody bus on the other side.

"I think it did."

"MAYBE it was my blood on the door," Scott suggested, shrugging.

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