Chapter 2

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As I awoke from my sleep I noticed I was not where I had fallen asleep. In fact, I was no where near there. I was laying beneath a tree, next to a rock. There were flowers and long grass surrounding it all, as well as a river with a waterfall flowing into it. The moon shone high over the night sky, and all of the stars were bright and visible.

This all seemed surreal. The flowers and grass were too vibrant, and the water is basically sparkling. All of my pain, scars, and bruises I've acquired over the years were just gone. Nothing, not even the littlest imperfection was on my skin. My hair no longer felt thin and straggly.

As I was taking in all the surroundings, a gorgeous lady seemed to be walking over to me. As I took a closer look, her feet weren't on the ground at all. She was floating! What on earth could she be?

She had bright, shimmering pale skin without an imperfection a mile in sight, and long, flowy, silver hair, matching the color of the moon. Her eyes were bright, baby blue and sparkled like the water, and she was wearing what seemed to be an elegant white dress.

As she started to float closer, I started questioning "Who are you? Where am I?"

"Shh, no need to worry child. I am the mood goddess," she replied calmly, with a voice that sounded as sweet as candy.

"Where am I?" I asked frantically.

"Child stop worrying. This is all only just a dream. I am here to tell you that multiple very new things will become apart of your life soon. You must accept them and work with them," she explained.

As I started to ask her what she meant, her voice answering my questioned started to sound distant, and soon I could no longer make out what she was saying. All of the scenery that surrounded us became fuzzier and fuzzier until it all started to became a blur, and I began to feel myself wake up.

Once I woke up, I realized that I didn't feel any pain, which shocked me, and also realized that I really wasn't where I went to sleep. The room I woke up in was very neat and had a darker theme to it. The floors were dark brown, almost black, and there was a black bear rug on the floor which freaked me out. All of the furniture was also a very dark brown, and the bed was covered in a black comforter with black throw pillows. It was also a huge bed, looking to be king sized.

Wearily, I started to get up. I noticed a mirror in the corner that I walked over to, making sure to tippy toe so that no one heard me. I was shocked at what I saw. My hair was much longer and thicker and my skin was many shades tanner than it was before. My eyes had the sparkle that they used to have when my mom was around, almost like the moon goddess' and my curves were returned to my body, as I was malnourished when I was with my dad.

As I was looking at myself in the mirror, I remembered that I wasn't at home, and I ran to the door. I started to pound on it, screaming for help as loud as I could. I did this for what seemed like forever, until someone forcefully pulled open the door.

"For the love of god shu-," a girl started to say but she stopped mid-sentence, looking confused.

"Who are you?" She asked giving me a weird look.

"Xandee. You have to help me," I begged her.

"Um..Why are you here?" She started to question.

"I don't know I went to sleep in my room and then woke up here." I started to explain, and decided to leave out the part about my dream, as some voice in my head to me to.

Before the girl could say anything, a loud pounding came from down the hall and a man yelled

"Kamila, get away from my door how many times do I have to tell you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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