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I stirred in bed as I heard my phone ring. I let out a groan and reached for it. I answered the call and placed the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Y/n?" I open my eyes "Lauren?" She sniffs "yes it's me Can I Uh come over? I really need someone right now" I sat up "what's the matter?"

"I Uh I had this weird yet creepy dream about Lucy, Normani not here and the kids are at my mom's."

"I don't think that would be a good idea"

"Please I'm scared" I let out a sigh "Fine I'll text you the address"

"Ok" I text her the address and laid back down falling back asleep. Not knowing how long I was out I felt someone crawl in the bed with me. I open my eyes but couldn't see anything due to how dark it was in my room.

"It's just me y/n" I heard Lauren voice, "are you ok?"

"Yes...I just didn't want to be in that house by myself"

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" She shifts in bed, her cold hands touches my stomach making me hiss. "Sorry"

"It's ok"

"I Uh...I was in my old house, and I woke up from my supposed sleep and Lucy was standing over my bed, she had no eyes and dirt was all over her, she looked as if she had dug her way out her grave" she pauses "s-she was pointing at me and repeating this is what you did to me....it kept getting louder and louder until I heard her scream so loud...I woke up after that, I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't" I frown and cut on my lamp to see her laying down looking up at me.

I wiped the tears off her cheeks. "You might find me pathetic because I'm a 38 year old crying over a bad dream" I shook my head. "That's a nightmare not a bad dream...it's always best to be around someone after you have those"

She sits up and stares at me for a second before bursting into a sob. I placed my hand on her back "I'm such a bad person" she cries. "I'm such a fuck up dammit!"

"Don't say that"

"I caused my wife to kill herself, oh god I'm going to rot in hell for this" she grabs a pillow and covers her face with it. I rubbed her back, "everything going to be ok" she looks up at me "no it's not, my kids are going to figure everything out, they're going to know what I did!, what we did! Elizabeth already knows most of it and she doesn't even look at me the same anymore" she wipes her eyes.  "Cori is still so confused she don't How Lucy died and why. And Jonah he just knows that she's dead" she sniffs "I try everyday to move on from it, but everyday it's just gets worse and worse for me and I just don't know anymore!, I don't know how I'm supposed to feel! Or how I'm supposed react!"

She yells "I can remember that day when my mom told me over the phone that Lucy was dead...I felt so broken, I remember falling on the floor and screaming and crying...I was begging my mom to tell me that she was lying, but she wasn't...I cried myself to sleep every night. I was so alone....and no one really came to visit me, my mom came twice every year but she never brought the kids. Normani mainly talked to me on the phone, she couldn't come but she was kind of like my therapist" she chuckles.

"I talked her about everything...about who disliked me, and the drama, and how disgusting the food was" she wipes her tears and let out a sigh. She stops crying and look a couple of breaths. "She was there for me when no one else was. But I always wanted that to be you...I wanted you to come over and tell me that everything was going to be ok, I wanted you to tell me that we were going to be together and that we were going to make things right...And that I shouldn't worry, and that you were going to help me take care of the kids...but instead I got Normani" she licks her lips. "now don't get me wrong, I love her and I'm so thankful that she helped me along the way. But I craved you, I craved your touch, I craved your smell. And nothing that She said to me was never enough-"

"Stop it" I sigh "what?"

"Stop making me feel bad ok? I get it you're upset...but stop telling me how you wanted something more than just love"

"I wanted you"

"But you had Normani, who was willing to give you everything! Do you know how selfish you sound?" She frowns "you're taking advantage of her!"

"Stop yelling at me! I love Normani but I love you more...nothing will ever change that!" I shook my head. "You're so ungrateful"  I stand up "what?"

"I don't want to do this anymore...I refuse to put Normani in the same situation we put Lucy in...What we're doing is wrong and it needs to stop"

"I'll break up with Normani for you"

"NO! Don't do that to her!"

"Then what do you want me to do THEN?!" I could tell that she was getting aggravated. "I want you to love her"

"I love her but I'm not in love with her"

"Then break up with her"


"BUT DON'T BREAK UP WITH HER BECAUSE OF ME!" She stands up and walks over to me.  "Do you love Camila?" She asked "what does that have to do with anything?!"

"Just answer the question"

"Yes...I love Camila"

"Are you in love with her?"

"Lauren get out of my room" she frowns "I don't want to be alone"

"Well you should've thought about that before you tried to pull me into your guilt trap" she sighs "I wasn't trying to make you feel guilty...I was just getting everything off my chest"

She grabs my hand "I'm sorry ok...I'm sorry for making you feel bad" she frowns "I don't think I can sleep by myself tonight...if I have that dream again I want to wake up to some-"

"Ok Lauren just please stop talking" she nods "I need to use the bathroom" she walks out. I let out a sigh and got back into my bed. I noticed something glowing under my sheet. I looked under to see Lauren's phone.

Grabbing it I noticed that someone was on the other line.

Normani❤️ call on going 5:00

I placed the phone to my ear "Hello?"

The call ends after a couple of seconds.


Trust (Lauren/You) BOOK 2 Where stories live. Discover now