Manik became all time hero for Nandini

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Whole college is hustle bustle, due to elections.
All final year students are with gangs making election arrangements. All of sudden from some where fight started it catches like a fire and formed two groups started beating each other. With in no time there was a world war in college

All professors, staff, dean tried to convince but it took worst place in making things out of control. Police entered the campus. They too tried but the students are no where near to control.

After lot of struggle they didn't get them away, SI ordered for laticharge. All started running out of the campus. Manik and cabir took Mukthi out and sent her to home back. Manik and cabir too started to go home

When they are out of campus Manik mind strikes about Nandini. He just ran back. Cabin didn't see him back.

Manik ran to Nandini class which is near fighting spot so everything so tightly packed Manik is pushing to go in and searching for Nandini

Nandini is all alone struck in group and struggling to go out, police men are beating really hard who ever are coming in front of them, they to lost control as crowd is going insane.

A constable who was controlling is been slapped by a student which made him go mad bull, he is beating with all force, unfortunately Nandini came in front of him, he raised his lati with extramarital force as he is dead angry Nandini closed her eyes and shouted but....... aaaaaaaaaaa sound made her open eyes

It is Manik who his holding his left hand and screaming with pain. Conistable got into senses and shocked. Nandini is numb. Manik took her hand with his right hand walked away from crowd

Nandini is still in shock
"Pihu!!!!! It's paining" Manik shouted
Nandini came out of trance and looked at him.
Manik is shivering with extreme pain. Her heart twinched
"Pihu!!! Go to hospital and bring some pain killer and antibiotic I think I had a crack in my hand" Manik shouted
Nandini took her chunni tied it around his shoulder taking his left hand in so that it can't be any more damage. She ran college attached hospital and brought injection along with some tablets and water.

She is shivering, it's her first time to treat anyone
"Pihu!!!! Don't panic I am dying with pain please give it don't think and please on my hip on hand"
She took a deep breath and folded his shirt up lowered his pant and cleaned with tincher and injected him in both sides with different injections gave him water and tablets.

"I will bring my bike just wait" she ran to woods place with in sec brought bike. Manik sat back of her. He is clinching his hand son her shoulder with pain.

Nandini's eyes are flowing tears but she is not stopping her bike she want to take him home get best treatment first.

After half an hour journey she reached Manik's house. Cabir is waiting for him.
"What the hell were you Manik?" Screamed Cabir
"He had fracture in his left arm bhai, I gave him pain killer and antibiotic along with b complex, take him to hospital, he need to have x Ray it's urgent" Nandini is hell scared
"What???? You were back of me then how???"
"Don't be foolish how can leave Pihu all alone, thank gif I was on time if not it would have been Pihu and I would have killed that man" Manik is in pain still happy .
"Manikkkkk" Nandini cried, I would have best than this. You should have go with bhai why did you do this?" For first time Nandini is fighting with him
"Come on Pihu don't be stupid see it had fracture how can you bare this?"
"How are you baring???? It's much more pain than this stupid fracture on my hand, because of me you are suffering I want to kill myself for this" she shouted
All at once shocked about her proximity of pain , as her eyes are already red tears are flowing like tap, forehead is folded with strong frowns face is in pain and anger
"It's ok I will be fine don't worry" Manik hugged her. She to hugged back and started to cry like a baby.

"Ok ok stop your crying section let's go to hospital" Cabir started bike.
After two to three hours they reached home back.
Manik had a fracture his hand had a plaster, he is sleeping because of seditives given to make him sleep so that he can forget pain for sometime.

Sadana returned from bank,
"Hello guys!!!! Champ my coffee" shouted "hooo my god Nandu you came home great" she hugged her. Nandini started to cry
"What happened?" She was worried
"Your son broke his arm, got fractured" Mukthi snapped
"I am sorry it's all because of me punish me"
"Oooo god this girls!!!!! Pushpa!!!! I hate tears" Cabir said in Rajesh Khanna style
Mukthi laughed
Cabir narrated whole story. Sadana went to Manik's room he is sleeping she felt pain in her heart though she acts as cool mom, after death of her husband it's only Manik for him. He wiped her tears smiled kissed his forehead ruffled his hair "you are grown up I am happy for you Manik"
She came down after long session of convincing Nandini went to home composing herself.

Next morning before going to college Nandini paid a visit to Manik, he is sleeping. She spent some time with sadana and radhika, left to college.

Whole night she was shedding tears thinking of Manik's pain she is not able forgive herself for his pain

She even cried after coming to college explaining to piya about what happened last day.

At 2 she went to wood place sat there all time thinking about what Manik used to talk , his mischievous acts, his questions which she always end up answering I don't know, his huggs everything

In short Nandini is hell missing Manik, what her feelings which are making her to miss him is not known to her,

Even she went to Manik's house along with piya, as she want to visit him.
Manik is in living room waiting for friends. His face is pale even catches fever
"Hello Manik how are piya asked" coming inside
Manik who was sitting lazily on sofa looked at both of them gave a smile " fine recovering takes time but ok I need adjust with plaster it's irritatingly heavy" he made face
"All because of me" again started Nandini
" come here" Manik barked at her "if again you say this line and cry like this I will shit kiss you here in front of piya. So shut up wipe tears if you want to fresh up go to sadana room wash your room and come we will talk"
Nandini is hell shocked her face is blank mouth opened 'o'
Piya smiled and took opposite seat
"From morning I am dying with tears ho god" both laughed
Nandini kept a puppet face and went to the room Manik guided and returned in ten mins washing her face

"From now on no more such guilty words it's my order, will you eat anything?" He asked smiling
"I will bring where is kitchen and what you want?" Nandini initiated
"Go left and in fridge get some fruits we can eat"
She went in cane with some fruits washed , she carefully cut them into pieces and piya started to peel of orange gave him
All having their fruits cabin and Mukthi joined

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