The Victorian Isle Parade

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   "SCARLETT" A loud voice boomed.

Scarlett jumped awake from her slumber and groaned loudly, instantly recognizing that voice.  "Beatrice, who let you in?" Scarlett asked, stretching and yawning.

  "Your guards did," Beatrice responded, skipping over to the blinds and pulling them open.

Scarlett shrieked and yanked her blanket over her head, then remembered that she went to bed with her daylight ring on. " Beatrice seriously?! What if my ring hadn't been on?"

Beatrice sat on the bed, " Then, you would've burned," She said shrugging.

  Scarlett threw a pillow at Beatrice and slumped back into her bed, only to be disturbed again by a guard.

" May I come in Your Highness?" The guard bellowed from outside the double large doors.

"You may." Scarlett answered, sitting up.

The guard walked in and bowed before the princess, then continued, " Your Highness, the king and queen are expecting you."

Scarlett nodded and put on her silk robe that was laying on top of her dresser, " Thank You." She replied, smiling and dismissing the guard.

" It's probably about the parade today," Beatrice told Scarlett as they walked out of her bedroom and down the large hall to the throne room.

  "Lady Beatrice, the king and queen asked for Princess Scarlett alone," A guard snapped.

Scarlett was about to address the guard for his manners but Beatrice stopped her, " Go on, I'll stay back."

Scarlett looked once more at the guard, then at Beatrice and nodded, walking into the throne room.

"Mother. Father." She said curtsying.

"Scarlett you look as though you've just awoken." Queen Marie said, rushing over to Scarlett and laying a warm hand on her forehead. "Are you ill?" She asked, checking her arms and neck.

Scarlett shook her head, " I'm fine Mother. I actually had just awoken but, please what was it you and father wanted to tell me?" She asked.

" Well, you know the parade is today. There will be a lot of weight on your shoulders by your people and by the....dogs." King William said, " They will be watching you like hawks, waiting for you to make a mistake so they can declare to everyone that lives in the Victorian Isles about how you'd make a terrible queen."

Queen Marie nodded in agreement, " It's true. You must attend to the people, be kind, be considerate, be gentle. Even to the werewolves, you must prove to them that you are worthy. Or else that filthy chiefs son will become the next king of the Victorian Isles." She said, looking off into the air with disgust written on her face.

" And, who's fault might that be?" Scarlett said, looking at her father.

" Yes, I know this whole dilemma could've been avoided if I hadn't made that stupid bet with Chief Clyde." The king sighed heavily.

Queen Marie turned and glared at her husband, " I cannot believe you made a bet that  if your stupid soccer team lost to his then the people could decide who the next leader would be."

The king sighed, " How many times do you want me to apologize, Love?"

"None at all, what I want you to do. Is to ensure that our daughter will be the next Queen of the Victorian Isle." Queen Marie said, crossing her arms over her chest, then turning to Scarlett, " But no pressure, Scarlett."

Scarlett nodded, " Is that it?"

Her parents nodded and excused her, " Get ready! The parade is in 2 hours." King William shouted as she walked out of the throne room.

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