The Victorian Isle Parade Pt.2

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  Scarlett stared at the ridiculously attractive boy before her. He was tall, about 6ft, and he had light hazel eyes, brown almost black hair that was untidy on his head, long lashes, high strong cheekbones, and a sharp jawline.

"It's you. It's Daniel Clyde." She said, barely whispering.

"It is me. Aren't you brilliant." He said sarcastically before turning around to greet the king and queen. " It's a pleasure to meet you, your majesty ," Daniel said, shaking the kings hand firmly. Then he turned to face the queen, taking her hand gently, " and it is a great pleasure, to meet you as well, Queen Marie." He said, kissing her hand softly, and some might say kissing it for a bit too long.

Scarlett scoffed at his unbelievable behavior and crossed her arms over her chest, " Mother, Father?"

"Scarlett, dear. We told the guards to prepare a picnic for you and Daniel to attend tomorrow for you both to get to know each other a little better. But....the picnic will be taking place in the east side of the Victorian Isles" Her Mother said.

Scarlett's mouth dropped open, "The EAST SIDE?! Where the werewolf mountains are? Are you seriously letting your only daughter go to Werewolf Central? Who knows-."

King William rose his hand, " That's enough now, Scarlett. Don't be dramatic, it's not like you're going alone. We are sending 6 guards with you on your journey. Besides you will only be there for a couple hours and you will be coming home immediately straight after, right Chief Clyde?"

Chief Clyde smiled at Scarlett and nodded his head, " Yes...right after."

" Right like that wasn't suspicious," Scarlett commented.

"Scarlett," Queen Marie warned.

Scarlett sighed and turned to Daniel, plastering a fake smile on her face, " I'm so excited for our lunch tomorrow. Can't. Wait."

Daniel smirked as Scarlett walked away going back to Ruben.

"You okay?" He asked, before popping open a blood bag.

Scarlett crossed her arms, " No he's such a little shi- ugh. Nevermind." She chewed on her lip while examining the crowd, "Hey... have you seen Beatrice?" She asked.

"No. You should know, isn't she your little shadow?" He said.

Scarlett rolled her eyes at him, " Stop. She's my best friend. I need to go find her," She hugged Ruben and was about to go but he held her back.

"Wait. I'm thinking we could maybe do something better." He said, intertwining their fingers.

She blushed and cleared her throat, " You know I would say yes," She would not have, "But Ruben, I really need to find her she's been talking about this parade for a while it'd be weird for her not to show up."

Ruben nodded and let go of her hand, " Alright do what you gotta do." He walked away.

Scarlett sighed and turned, speed-walking towards the castle in hopes that nobody would see her abandoning her own event. Once she arrived in the castle, she walked towards her room, but no sign of Beatrice. She looked around and spotted Beatrice's headband on the floor and next to it, dried blood.

Scarlett immediately picked up the headband and ran back out to the parade, her eyes frantically scanning the crowd for her parents. She soon saw them mingling with a few werewolves, their fake laughter filling the air.

"Excuse me. If I could just cut in please." Scarlett said, pulling her mother and father aside.

"What is it Scarlett?" Her father asked.

"Beatrice, she's gone. I found her headband on the floor and there was blood as well." Scarlett explained in short breaths.

Her mother put an arm around her," I assure you she's fine. She probably ran into a wall or something, I mean." The queen lowered her voice, " She is a bit slow. She most likely hurt herself and went home to tend to the wounds."

"Well then I'm going to go see." Scarlett said, ready to go when her mother stepped in front of her. "Absolutely not," Queen Marie said sternly, " Future queens don't engage in adventures."

" This isn't an adventure it's my best friend!" Scarlett scoffed.

"Lower your voice, Scar." The Queen warned, looking around to see if anyone was watching the scene. "Now, listen. Your father and I will order a message to be sent out to the town"

"No, I need to find her now. Anything could have happened." Scarlett groaned trying to move past her mother.

"Oh, I'm sorry am I speaking Portuguese. I said no. You have a picnic to attend tomorrow. Don't fret, we'll find her." Queen Marie said, smoothing our Scarlett's dress. "Now, wipe that look of worry off your face, you don't want wrinkles do you?"

"Fine. If by the time I return Beatrice isn't here I will go search for her myself," Scarlett said, storming off into the palace.

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