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Wyatt's POV

//Kay... this story is not getting the reads I was expecting and it's kinda disappointing. I really hope you guys like this lack of creativity.//

I ran after Y/n but Soph closed the door right in front of my face.

-"Let me in! I NEED TO SEE HER."

I asked as I knocked the door like a maniac. I could see people from other rooms walking to the hall just to see what was going on... including Sam, she was my friend and I didn't want her to be there, no one did.

-"Stay away from her, Wyatt. She's afraid."

Jaeden said through the door. I aimed my fist at the wall and proceeded to feel the huge pain. I sat next to the door, held my hand in pain, with my knuckles bleeding like I'd killed someone. In that moment I heard everyone, Jae, Soph, Finn, Jack, Chosen and Jeremy. They were all comforting Y/n... they were really good friends, not like me.

-"Jae...please. Let me talk to her, you can stay with her if you want to see if you can trust me. You can hit me if you think anything I say is bullshit. Please."

I said as I knocked the door one last time, the next thing I saw was Jaeden opening the door. Y/n was sitting on his bed, her eyes were all red and puffy for crying; Sophia sat next to her and just looked at me like if I'd killed her mother or something like that, Jack was sitting on Finn's lap as they sat on Soph's bed, and they had Jeremy and Chosen next to them.
Then my eyes went back to Y/n, she looked tired and sad but I couldn't do anything to help her. At least not at that moment.

-"Wyatt I'm waiting for you to talk. Show her your point of view, show her that you're worth it. Because I'm completely sure she's doubting it."

Jaeden said as he sat next to Y/n. He gestured her to sit on his lap. She followed his instruction, rested her head on his shoulder and then looked at me. I felt... jealous. I wasn't supposed to feel like that because I trusted Jae, he knew what I felt for her and what she felt for me. He was just protecting her... or at least that's what he said.

-"Okay so... Y/n. I'm sorry. I want to give you everything I have to make you happy, but I won't be able to do it if you don't give me a chance, come on princess.
You're the only one that can make me that happy, the only one that can make me feel this way. I didn't want to show you how much I like you... I was afraid because I never thought someone as perfect as you would like me back. Trust me... I would never try to hurt you. Why would I hurt my whole world?"

-"Wyatt, I've always liked you... but you never realized it. I'm tired of trying to get your attention, I'm tired of seeing you flirt with other random people... of seeing you kiss someone else. YOU EVEN KISSED JAEDEN ONCE!" Jae laughed and made me chuckle. "Wy... isn't it too late to try? I-I don't want to get hurt or hurt you either.
Or what if something goes wrong? What will happen with our friendship? I don't want to loose you."

-"AWWWWWWWW... NOW KISS! I WANT YOU GUYS TO KISS!" Jack said as he hopped from Finn's lap.

-"Jack, breathe... come on babe. You ruined their moment!" Finn pulled Jack's arm and hugged him "don't move."

Y/n laughed and then smiled at me, she was shining and her cheeks were bright pink. Right after that she looked back at Jae, he nodded and smiled.

-"Y/n, Wyatt has a point. But I'm here... if he ever hurts you, he'll die."

-"I won't hurt her. I just need a chance."
I looked around and saw Sophia winking at me.

- "Get her tiger. Rawr!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes.
Before I could turn around or even blink, two fragile arms were wrapped around my neck, I placed my hands on her cheeks and leaned forward, my lips connected to hers, creating enough electricity to make my whole body shake.
She was the perfect kissing height and our lips connected in a way that I'd never felt before.

-"Okay enough. I think this is a little disgusting. Seeing two of my best friends making out is not one of the greatest things in the world."

Sophia said making everyone laugh.
I held Y/n in my arms as close as I could. I think I'd never smiled that much in my whole life, but it was the greatest feeling in the world.

-"But Finn and Jack are always making out!!!!"

Y/n said and hugged me tighter.

//I think Fack is the greatest and cutest ship EVERRRRRRRRRRRR... YEAH//

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