Familiar someone

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Wyatt squinted as soon as he saw the bugs walking all around the boat. 

-"We have to leave this place right now."

-"Nope, I'm not giving up, not after getting this far. You can go back home and wait for me over there but I'm not leaving." I picked one of the eyeballs up and looked directly into it while I waited for Wyatt to reply.

-"Okay, let's continue... but you'll owe me a pizza and a make out session for staying here."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes before kissing his cheek.

-"Deal. Let's get going before something else tries to kill us."

...Time skip...

We got to a kind of isolated island that had a wooden cabin just in the middle of the decrepit place.

I told Wyatt to stay out of the house and warn me in case that anyone came over to attack us. I proceeded to walk in and look around a bit, until I came to a room in which I saw a shitload of screens that showed my college dorm, my bathroom, and even Jaeden's house. Someone had been following me and I never realized it, until now. I got in the room and checked every single screen. All of them showed that they had cameras that were recording in real time. 

I turned around and saw other screens that showed the woods, the lake and... me. There were cameras in the house, which meant that they already knew that we were here; in the house. 

All of the sudden I heard a loud bang next to me. The door had closed, leaving me trapped in that damn room. All the screens shut down and then turned back on showing me from every single angle. I didn't know what to do and I froze immediately. The only thing I could do was yell. I remember calling out for Wyatt and telling him to go home and hide but I couldn't hear anything in response. Tears started filling my eyes up but I couldn't cry, I couldn't show any weakness. Not in front of my enemy.   

-"You should be dead by now. I don't know how you've survived for so long." 

That voice. I knew that voice but I couldn't quite recognize it.  

-"Who the fuck are you? and why are you following me? what do you want from me? 

-"You don't recognize me? Then congrats! You have the worst memory ever. You hated me since the moment you saw me for the first time, and I'm pretty sure you know what I want... I want your life. I want him."  

A light turned on and there he was. Wyatt was tied to a chair with one of those faceless monsters behind him.

-"LEAVE HIM ALONE! I'll do anything... any damn thing you want me to do... just let him go home. Please." 

-"Sure. But first..." 

She snapped her fingers and something pushed me from behind making me fall on my knees, then two hands took my wrists behind me and started pulling as a foot pressed my body on the floor. I felt my arms slowly breaking as tears rolled down my cheeks. I could hear Wyatt yelling my name and another name... as soon as he said it all the pieces came together. 


//GUYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYS I know I haven't updated in several months and I hate my self for doing that. i'm sorry.  But I wanted to ask you guys something... I started writing a Dipper x reader fanfic like a year ago and I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to read it. Pleaseeee let me know if you want me to post it. I love you and thanks for your patience. -Ana//

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