Missed You

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I got up this morning, so happy we were gonna go L.A for a bit and stay with Gennis & Tool, i mean it’s so awesome our dad is their manager cause we get to see them all the time, and cause our parents know were so close they always try to make us see each other monthly so we can never forget about each other. Anyway i got up looked at my phone which was charging to see it was gonna be sunny, so i had a shower, lotioned, did my hair, you know the usual, Fizzy way and got dressed in some white Shorts, and a Baige Slim fitted Vest and wore my converses, and went downstairs, to see my dad & Twin,

“Okay,Girls your stuff are already packed in the car, you ready??” Dad asked, we both nodded our heads and made our way to the car, Lexi and I both sat in the Back seat, while dad was driving, I was texting Tool, or how i like to call him Akoye


Jai: We just got into the car

Tool: oh can't wait to see you, I've missed you

Jai: I've Missed you too

Tool: So whatcha gonna do whe nyou get here

Jai: Just Hang with you :))

End of POV

They all Drove to LA. in 3 hours (i don’t really know), and arrived at a hotel where the bell boys came and took their bags, Nick led the girls to their room “Here you go, girls, your sharing with Tool & Gennis, i’ll be next door” he said


Our dad went into his room,and Jai & I just stood in front our door and took a huge breath, and swiped our card, and the door opened, We saw Tool laying on his Bed & Gennis on his Computer and as soon as we opened the door they looked at us. Couple seconds later they both came running to us, Gennis came and lifted me and swung me around while Tool and Dimplez were just hugging rocking side to side, i guess they did miss us, just as much as we missed them

End of POV

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