Hello My Beautiful People 🌹

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Hello My Beautiful People!!

It's been so long, it's been so so long and I apologize very much, but I also have a reason for that! But before I get into my life, how are you guys today?? ☺️ I missed y'all so much!! And I saw that I have 71.6k reads on The Assassins Partner, and lemme tell y'all, I screamed. I was so happy that I have so many reads and it really shocks me even as I'm writing this that so many of you actually love this story and it makes me feel really special and I appreciate you guys more than anything, you guys are like my babies and I love y'all so much.

Now, let's get into why I was absent for months.

Well, after I finished The Assassins Partner, I felt like there was something missing from me, something that had to do with assassins creed and as I was writing my JTR Sequel it finally fit me.

I lost my spark for Assassins Creed

I was devastated, like I didn't realized how much I shifted away from Assassins Creed until it was too late. I went from reading 5 fanfics a day, to like one a week, and then to none at all and it kinda hurt. There is a reason for that though. Recently I was diagnosed with severe depression. I had/have so many breakdowns and contemplations on my life almost once a week and basically I was/is a mess, so my doctors prescribed me some anti depressants, but they made me feel numb and I did not like it at all, so I went back and asked for something different and they gave me new ones and took them for a week but I stopped because I had to take them during dinner time and I rarely ate dinner because I was always not hungry, so I stopped taking them.

I have been feeling way better lately, obviously I'm still in a bad depressive state but not as much as before where everyday I'd cry myself to sleep and wake up not wanting to do anything, not even school (but I always went don't worry).

And I feel pretty good now, yeah there are some things still going on and it really brings me down but I know for a fact one of the many things that doesn't bring me down, is writing. Most importantly, writing for you guys. And I've been receiving so many notifications about people commenting and voting and all the good stuff on my stories and you don't know how special it makes me feel, like it always always ALWAYS brightens my day and it makes me feel like I'm actually loved even though I don't know any one of you personally.

So, I've decided to come back because I've been reading fanfics again and watching AC videos and I feel my spark slowly coming back which is crazy and amazing.



I was wondering how you guys want me to update for my big return. I was thinking on Christmas Eve, I upload 3 chapters for each of my books, Signed, Jack the Ripper, Assassins Creed One Shots, And Like Hunter, Like Girl.

Or I was just thinking of uploading it like how I used to do, every twice a week I upload a chapter for each book. But let me hear your ideas!!

That's all I have to say for now so I just wanted to let you guys know that I love you guys so much, you guys are loved, truly you guys are, value your life because you don't know what the future holds. If you guys ever feel alone, please feel free to private message me and I will write back as soon as I can.

Thank you guys for your patience and kindness and I hope you have an amazing day/week/month/year, whatever you prefer!

Until next time, I'll see you later my Recruits
- Elizabeth 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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