Meeting Spiderman

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We got down from the plane and went inside."ok class did everyone get a nice flight?"Ms. Bustier asked."NO MY BEAUTY SLEEP WAS HORRIBLE UGH!"said Chloe. Everybody groaned. We went through security. When we stepped outside the whole city were filled with people. Wow that place really does never sleep not to mention its like 9:00. We waited for our bus. It was a long wait." I can't wait to see the heroes. I heard someone interviewed thor who is part of the avengers." Alya said excited. Our bus came then we went inside. The driver had trouble with putting in chloes stuff. To be honest im suprised it went through the airport. We went to our hotel. The city was beautiful. There were alot of people on the streets going in and out of buildings. Not to mention most of the buildings are tall.almost as tall as the Eiffel Tower. We got to our hotel. I check on Tikki to see her sound asleep in my bag. I quickly closed my bag so no one will notice. We finally reached the hotel which is tall. We went inside. "Ok there are 2 beds in each room. Rose and Juleka,Max and Kim,Nathaneal and Ivan,Chloe and Sabrina, Adrien and Nino, and Marinette and Alya."Ms. Bustier said. Then we here a loud boom everyone go to your rooms now!" Said Ms. Bustier. We hurried to our rooms and peeked through the windows. We see a weird creature outside the hotel. Alya goes to the balcony and does her ladyblog."Alya!" I shouted." I'm live in NY with a weird creature outside stay tuned." Alya said excited." IT'S DOCTOR OCTOPUS RUN!" Someone yelled then ran. The creature spotted us looking down. He saw them smirked. He grabbed Alya by his tentacles(why does this sound wrong...oml im dirty minded)"Alya!"I say in panick and stress. Oh god i need to get her.I Try to go after her." No, Marinette this villian doesn't have an akuma you don't know if your powers will work or not." Tikki said." But I can't just stand here and do nothing!"I said. Tikki spots on!" I transform and jump down the balcony. I swing my yoyo around the creatures tentacles that was holding Alya and try to pull him so he could fall over. But i was wrong the person pulled me from my spot then threw me against the wall." Ladybug!? What are you doing here!?"Alya said in schock. Then I heard someone behind me." Hey over here!" I turned around and saw a person in a blue and red suit with a spider on his chest. I ran towards him barely missing a car being thrown at me." K i don't really know who you are." I said." Names Spiderman nice to meet you but-" I interupted him and said." I'll distract him and you try to get Alya." I say panicking." O-ok then?" He said confused. I go in front of the monster." Hey over here squidward!" I say teasing me. He threw cars at me but i dogded them. I used my yoyo to bring down a pole then then one of the tentacles the fell down slightly releasing his grip on Alya. Spiderman swinged down using his...webs? Then grabbed Alya and got her a away from squidward. He was stuggling to get his tentacles out from under the pole. Spiderboy then shot a web on the person so he can be stuck." Ladybug why are you here in NY?" Alya said while doing her ladyblog." Oh uuuhh i'm here to visit my grandparents ya." I said a little to fast." So your gonna protects places other than Paris from now on?" Alya asked." Well not really maybe if I come again i would." I said. Spiderman was a little confused on why he was being totally ignored." Spiderman right?" Alya said making sure." Uuhh ya I'm Spiderman." Spiderman said." Omg uuhh so how is it fighting with Ladybug? Alya asked." Oh uuhh it's great she really knows how to fight and..ya."Spiderman said. Alya left the scene so happily she was hopping to the hotel whild uploading her vid. I watched her go then spiderman said something." So its your first time here?" Spiderman asked." Oh uh ya..i heard you use webs to swing around here." I said.

Spiderman/Peter Parkers Pov.

  This girl really think i would run to the crime. That would take long unless its across the city." What else do you do with your yoyo?" I asked a bit curious." Oh alot of things it helps me swing around, fight, use my powers-" i interupeted." Wait you have powers?" I asked curiously." Ya its called lucky charm it gives my random objects that would help me fight the villian. But my villians have akumas which are black butterflies but purify them when i bring down a villian." She said." Wait so whats an akuma?" I asked curiously." It turns you into a villian based on your emotions like sad or mad." She said." Where do they come from?" I asked. Wow this girl has a confusing way to battle." Hawkmoth, hes a villian who sends the akumas then tell them what to do." She said. I heard a beeping sound." Gotta go now bye!" She said while waving bye." Oh uh bye!" I said returning the wave. I head back to my apartment. I went inside then saw Tony Stark aka Iron man in my apartment sitting on the couch. I stopped and looked at him confused." Peter we need to talk." He said sounding serious. We went in my room then closed the door." You know that bug girl right? He asked." You mean Ladybug? Ya we were fighting dr. Oct." I say sounding casual." Good cause i'm gonna need information." He said." Explain what she does." He said." Well she uses her yoyo to help her swing around and stuff like me and also to fight." I said." Good now i want you to fight with her often."

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