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// ahhh finally started writing this, only took me like a month, haha.. I finally have everything in orders for this book, and im gonna try to be descriptive!! Yay go Kurri! lol. Im lonely. Anyways this is the intro. Enjoy until you get your first chapter.

A groan came from under a pile of blankets on a creaky and old bed, beeping was also heard, loud annoying beeping. "ARGHHHH!!!" Was the sound Y/n made as he slammed his fist down on his alarm clock, and his second alarm was about to come, knowing that Y/n would go back to sleep once he hit his alarm. His mom swung the door open. "Y/N L/N! Get up or you will be late, we do this every morning. I swear to god if it keeps happening.." Y/n's mom trailed off, going quiet near the end of her statement. Y/n sighed as he slowly sat up on his bed, seeing that his mom had left, he stood up and walked into the washroom. Only to scare himself again by looking at his horrible morning face, drool and snot covered his face. This was something that happened every day, so he grabbed a washcloth, put some warm water on it and began to scrub his face, wincing, he looked closer in the mirror, he saw a purple spot in his cheek. A bruise. He got regularly bullied, for only one reason. He was, well.. quirkless. He hated getting pushed around by people who had quirks, he was looked at as a lower, a peasant in a world of the rich and royal. He generally had a disliking to his mother because of it, he felt guilty, but since the day he found out he was quirkless he blamed his mom, and disliked her since then, he felt like it was too late to try and change things now, because that was about ten years ago. His mom was pained by the fact that her son disliked her, but understood, but she never gave up on trying to win her son's heart back. She just wanted to tell him that she loved him so, but he didn't want to hear it. She had to respect that. Y/n shook his head, remembering the events on yesterday, being pushed to the ground by a kid with a fire breathing quirk, his anger levels were through the roof, and he had this thing, where he talked so highly about himself, and how cool, and awesome he is, and how strong he is becoming. Oh, and also how he will become the worlds greatest hero. Y/n was sure many people had that wish, it could even cause a war between heroes, he didn't want that, and he generally didn't want to become the best, he just wanted to be a hero. Or at least organize or assist in a hero company. He wanted to be somewhat apart of the picture. By now Y/n was getting on his clothing, slipping his shirt over his chest, and hopping around his room to get his hoodie at the other side, he tripped on something. He let out a high pitched scream as he fell to the ground with a huge thud. He then heard rushed footsteps coming down the hall, towards his room. "Y/n? Oh- haha. Are you okay?" His mother asked, concern and entertainment laced in her voice. She lifted her son up with her telekinesis. ((Im pretty sure thats what it is..)) Then set him on his bed, he put his shirt on properly. "Thanks....Mom." He said quietly, close to a mumble. Y/n looked to his mother and she tears forming in her eyes. "Y-you said mom." She whimpered and tears came out of her eyes like waterfalls. She quickly left when she saw her son frown. Y/n shook his head and laughed a bit, grabbing his hoodie and walked to the door. He slipped on his shoes, which matched his f/c hoodie. Then ran out of the house, but he kept getting this feeling telling him that something is going to happen today. Then he realized he forgot his bag.

Betrayal~ [Izuku Midoriya x Male! Villain! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now