_*+~Chapter 3~+*_

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Y/n screamed slightly and jumped out of the males arms, third adrenaline rush, three times the food. "How in the hell do you know my name?" Y/n said trying to calm down. Aku-Nu laughed, but his laugh was more of a chuckle, like a evil like chuckle. Y/n just raised an eyebrow. He would've rather fall face first into the cement sidewalk than listen to this males laugh. "I've been watching you since your little hero act today." Aku-nu said and smiled. Y/n didn't question it, feeling his laziness come back. "Well.. Im gonna go sleep." Y/n said and started walking down the sidewalk, also known as his route to his house. Then he noticed someone following him. "Are you following me?" Asked Y/n. Aku-nu just nodded. "Well then if you are, then you are giving me a piggy back because I'm tired." Y/n said as he halted his walking and held his arms out. Aku-nu laughed. But it didn't sound like a chuckle, it sounded like a laugh you laugh when you are good friends with someone. Aku-nu bent down in front of Y/n. ((Damn- Y/n be getting all the guys- Im jk jk jk.)) Y/n lazily hopped on his back, and wrapped his arms around his neck lazily. "My house is seven houses down this way, its blue." Y/n said and then nuzzled into the back of the red headed stranger. Y/n was honestly so tired, which caused him to nuzzle into the male, in which Aku-nu blushed slightly before heading off to the location Y/n told him.

By the time Aku-nu was knocking on the door Y/n was sleeping, his arms surprisingly tightened around his neck, making it slightly hard to breathe. The door opened to reveal a beautiful woman with h/c hair and e/c eyes. "Oh my! Did something happen?!" She asked sounding worried for her son who was on Aku-nu's back. Aku-nu shook his head no, well the best he could with arms wrapped around him. "Can't..Breathe!" Aku-nu said, and the woman quickly ran behind Aku-nu and grabbed Y/n off his back. "He will wake up soon, once he hears a chip bag open. Please come in." The woman said and slung Y/n over her shoulder. 'Must be her quirk..' Aku-nu thought.

After debating with Y/n's mother if he should stay for dinner or not, Y/n's mother obviously won. Aku-nu now held a bag of chips, and was sitting on Y/n's bed, where Y/n was currently. "Here it goes." Aku-nu stated before opening the bag of chips. Suddenly they were snatched from his hands, at a inhuman speed. "Chipssss!!!" Yelled Y/n and began eating them. Aku-nu laughed, not his creepy laugh however. Crunches were heard throughout the room as Y/n ate them at a fast pace, he finished them off, licking his fingers with a satisfied smirk. "Wow. That was fast." Aku-nu said and blinked at Y/n. Y/n just nodded and gave a thumbs up. "I thought you would've left already." Y/n stated, wanting a answer however. "You mom insisted that I stay for dinner." Aku-nu chuckled. "Damn.. when he chuckles he is super hot-" Y/n went wide eyed as he realized he said that out loud. Aku-nu felt his face heat up, and so did Y/n's, both males ended up laughing.

Time skip to next day

Aku-nu left after dinner last night, Y/n wasn't sure if he was gonna see him again, he haven't seen the red haired male in his entire life, well since yesterday. Y/n sighed and ate his cereal slowly. It was the weekend so he could take his time today, and he very much did take his time, his cereal was disgustingly soggy now, so he sat up, and put his cereal bowl in the sink, then walked up stairs. He grabbed his phone and scrolled through his contacts. Three contacts were in his phone now. Izuku Midoriya. Aku-nu. Mom. He managed to get two contacts in one day. He was amazed with himself. He smiled and clicked on Izuku's number, dialling it, then putting the phone to his ear. Then a panting Izuku picked up. "H-hello?" Said the exhausted Izuku. "Its Y/n- I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out.. but you seem busy- so I'll call you later-" Y/n said, with slight concern in his voice. He always seemed a little more alive when he heard Izuku's voice. "No,no,no. Let's hang out later.. at 6pm tonight! I will be at your house! Just message me your address later. I have to go bye!" Izuku said in a rush and hung up. Y/n tsked, as he put his phone down on the bed of his. He plopped down on his bed beside his phone, staring up at the ceiling. His mom was at work, work on a Saturday, very weird. Then an idea popped in his head, more like a person. Y/n quickly grabbed his phone. ((When i spelled quickly, it corrected as 'quirk, I laughed. Because reader is quirkless- I mean-))  After a number being dialled and a few minutes of waiting, a knock was heard from the door, Y/n ran to the door. 'First energy rush, but no adrenaline..' Y/n thought, and frowned, but smiled when he opened the front door. Aku-nu was standing there with a box of sugar cookies, and some chocolate. "Food!!!!" Y/n said and hugged Aku-nu the best he could while he was holding the food. Yeah Y/n will hug a person he just met yesterday, only if they bring him food that is. Aku-nu chuckled and patted Y/n's back.

Two boys were passed out on the couch, with a empty box on the ground along with some stray chocolate wrappers. The two boy sleeping/cuddling each other as a knock at the door was heard, then the door opening. Y/n was dead asleep, so was Aku-nu, as a green haired male entered, and blushed at the sight. "O-oh.. hope I wasn't just interrupting them.." Izuku mumbled to himself. Aku-nu's eyes fluttered open hearing the small voice, he caught sight of Izuku and grinned. "Hello!" Aku-nu said with a creepy grin. He always tried to seem creepy or evil to someone once he met them. Izuku just smiled. Then Izuku was tackled to the ground by a boy wearing an oversized hoodie. Y/n pinned Izuku down on the ground and smirked. "Hello Izuku~" He said in a semi-husky voice, due to just waking up. Immediately thoughts rushed through Izuku's mind, his face burning up. "Whoa Izuku you might burn down my house with you face-" Y/n stated as he deadpanned. Y/n was lifted into the air, by two semi strong arms. "Y/n, don't tackle the poor Izuku." Aku-nu said and put Y/n down on the couch. Izuku stood up and raised an eyebrow at Aku-nu. "H-how do you know m-my name!?" Izuku stuttered out, kind of scared now. "Oh- Y/n said it a minute ago- duh." Aku-nu said and snickered. Y/n snorted. "What a cute snort-" Aku-nu said. "Your snores are cuter however." Aku-nu said with a cheeky grin, at Y/n. Y/n blushed slightly. Then a small green haired boy spoke up, "A-am I interrupting something?" He asked. Y/n shook his head. "Nah, we were waiting for you. Oh and Aku-nu. Izuku is much cuter than me." Y/n said with a satisfied smirk, while Izuku's cheeks burned up again. "You're gonna start a wildfire soon Izuku." Y/n laughed.

Now in the living room lied, multiple chip bags, candy bags, and more cookie boxes, just all over the couch, floor, and coffee table. The three boys who created this mess that any mother would hate, were lying on the couch, sleeping, which happened to feel goo for all of them, despite Y/n and Aku-nu sleeping earlier. Aku-nu explained to Izuku that Y/n liked to cuddle someone while sleeping, which was why Y/n was holding Izuku's waist and sleeping. But now Izuku was sleeping on top of Y/n's chest, Y/n's side being held by Aku-nu. They all looked peaceful as they slept, suddenly a scream echoed through the house, making all three boys fall off the couch. Y/n's mother stood there in horror of what happened to her living room. All three boys began cleaning up fast, while being scolded by Y/n's mom. After they were done they all ran up to Y/n's room, all plopping on his bed. "Did you bring it?" Y/n asked turning to Izuku. The male nodded, grabbing his bad, zipping it open, then pulled out 13 notebooks. "YES!" Y/n exclaimed as he grabbed one and flipped through it happily. Aku-nu watched. "Ooh~ stalker much." Aku-nu laughed. Then Y/n and Izuku scoffed at the male. Y/n grabbed 15 notebooks and handed them to Izuku, surprisingly Y/n's notes were much more detailed and drawings were almost exact images. Izuku looked at them in amazement. Aku-nu looked at the notebook. "So even someone as lazy as you can do something cool?" He said and laughed to himself. Y/n rolled his eyes. "Yeah, to be honest, I surprise myself.." Y/n said and smiled slightly. Aku-nu felt left out until both Y/n and Izuku got the same idea. "What's your quirk!" They both yelled at the red headed male.

Three males stood outside, all in sweaters which were oversized due to Y/n loaning them, though it seemed like Aku-nu almost fit his. Aku-nu inhaled deeply, before exhaling, readying his quirk. He did a front flip, landing it, suddenly black electricity surrounded the male, the static sounds ringing in Izuku and Y/n's ears. Then Aku-nu pointed two fingers out, which were pressed together, and a black lightning struck out of his fingers. His quirk looked much like a villains quirk. Maybe it was? Who knows. Aku-nu calmed down his quirk, before looking back at the two males. Who were know both scribbling down notes, and drawings. Aku-nu sweat dropped. The rest of the sleepover, well it was now a sleepover since it was so late, was filled with eating and laughing, and getting to know each other more. Simple questions were thrown around like schools, age, favourite foods and colours. They all became good friends, at the end of their night, they fell asleep in the same positions from earlier that day.

// hello~  so ik nothing has really been happening, but I just wanna show you all how everything happened and stuff, and who they are to each other. And yes. Aku-nu will play a big part in this story. Possibly another love interest.. only time will tell~ thats all fourth chapter will be done next week, or this weekend if I get wifi! Bye bye~

((Also ik i put too much commas lol. Imma try to stop. I find it funny that I just put commas everywhere.))

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