_*+~Chpater 2~+*_

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Y/n sighed, the mornings started off beautifully, with a new friend, who was also quirkless so maybe someone understood how he felt. But now it was a really shitty day. Most likely gonna get shittier. ((Ah i love making up my own words,,)) He sat in his class, watching the blackboard uninterestedly, not paying attention. Why in the hell are they being taught about structures?? No one really builds things anymore, at least Y/n thought so. He didn't see construction too often. Who actually builds? Y/n has only been drowned in the hero topic to look at other things, like jobs, and other things, like where did the sidewalk come from? Then two hands landed in front of his table, he jumped in surprise, he was blanking out too much, causing the slight jump. He looked up and gulped, he very well knew who it was, but he really hoped it wasn't him. "Ready for your daily run quirkless?" The words the auburn hair male spoke came out with a burn, literally, sparks of fire came out. Y/n looked at the clock. Almost time to go home. Y/n nodded. The auburn male laughed, and let Y/n by. "Ten seconds." Said the auburn fore breathing male. Y/n quickly ran out of the classroom, and out of the school, almost making it to the streets, when he heard footsteps behind him. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Screamed Y/n as he ran down the sidewalk, not caring where he ended up, just wanting to be away from this jerkster. He had enough burns already. All over his body to be exact. But except his face. The burns weren't too serious, but they would heal. You know, if he got away today, they would have a chance to heal He ran under a bridge, and suddenly bumped into a huge and burly man. "S-sorry s-sir but please move, My fucking life depends on it." Y/n said and tried to push the man, then he realized something. "All Might?"

All Might, was standing in front of Y/n. He really was. Y/n was glad that he was currently undergoing an adrenaline rush, or else he would seem so emo to his idol. All Might chuckled. "Sorry kid, I was just fighting this villain." He said referring to the green goop in a bottle. Y/n nodded. Then he remembered. He looked behind him, and sighed in relief. HE, didn't follow him. "Thanks for saving my life." Y/n said to All Might. All Might raised an eyebrow. "A bully was trying to pretty much kill me. Just because Im quirkless.." Y/n explaining it. All Might nodded in understanding. Then that's when Y/n noticed Izuku laying there, his notebook lying beside him. Y/n gasped and bent down, All Might thought he was going for Izuku, but no, just the notebook. Y/n handed All Might the notebook and a pen. "Sign it for my best friend please!" Y/n said and smiled sweetly. Izuku would really love this side of his friend, maybe one day he could see him like this. All Might chuckled and signed it. He handed it back to Y/n, who just threw it back on the ground beside Izuku, again making All Might a little confused. Then Izuku woke up, looking very dazed. Izuku lit up when he saw All Might, who was getting ready to leave, he answered a question from Izuku which Y/n didn't bother listening to. He was about to take off into the sunset, but not literally because the sunnis far from setting, then Izuku clung to him. "IZUKU!!!" Y/n yelled as his friend was lifted into the air. But then laziness hit him. His adrenaline gone. He groaned and turned around and headed towards home. He felt so two faced sometimes.

Y/n hummed a tune to a song as he walked down the sidewalks towards his house, he sighed tiredly. It wasn't a yawn, but it could've been. Then Y/n saw people running towards a specific area, and he heard a bunch of loud noises coming from that area. He began running towards it, feeling his adrenaline start up again. Two adrenalin rushes? Just means double the food when he gets home. Y/n smirked inwardly at that thought. He sped up when he heard what sounded like a battle cry. When Y/n finally reached the area, he gasped as he saw Izuku running at, what seemed to be a slime green thingy, whatever it was, Izuku was gonna fight it. But why? Then Y/n saw a blonde kid there, and then a familiar auburn head, was stuck under a piece of debris, that was dangerously close to the green blob. Y/n's adrenaline was going to fade soon, so why waste it? He ran into the battle, directly towards the auburn male, who gave Y/n a tired, but angry look. He seemed out of breath, which made Y/n panick, he looked at Izuku, who currently was trying to dig inside the goop. Y/n shook his head at the males action. Y/n returned back to his situation, and found a metal pole not too far away. Y/n quickly grabbed it, put it under the debris, and pushed down, turns out, all that running from the auburn male, who he was currently saving, paid off. Y/n managed to lift the piece of whatever enough so the auburn haired male could get out. The auburn haired male stuck the finger up at Y/n before passing out from exhaustion. Y/n picked him up bridal style, carrying him to safety. More likely, out of the way of All Might.

After that incident, Y/n and Izuku were getting scolded at, while the blonde, who apparently had and explosive quirk, was getting praised. Y/n felt his sarcastic and lazy side kick in, with some anger. "Look, two people could've died if it weren't for us. So shut up your super hero ass. Im tired of getting picked on because Im quirkless!" Y/n yelled in frustration and stood up, walking away from the group. Izuku was a little shocked at what Y/n had just said, he didn't move, and it was clear everyone else was just as shocked as he was, the heroes gaped at the now leaving male. "My friend sure is something..." Izuku said and chuckled awkwardly, before gathering his things and running after the h/c haired male. "Y/n!!!!!" Izuku yelled as he ran after him, though Y/n was confused, his lazy side has taken over, he didn't make it very far from where he had snapped. When Izuku caught up to Y/n, he kneeled down, panting, while he was trying to catch his breath, Y/n started to walk again. Just wanting to go home, cuddle in blankets with his bae, aka food. Izuku sweat dropped when he saw his friend walking away. Izuku once again caught up, then began the questions. "Why did you do that? Who was that? What were you thinking??" Y/n sighed, and then began his reply to the green haired boy. "Because why waste adrenaline, and because who else would create burns all over me if he died. He was my 'bully', more like assassin, his quirk is fire breathing. And I was thinking about how much food I was gonna allow myself to indulge in after that. Because hey, I worked hard today, I get food." Y/n said with a smirk. Just imagining all the junk he was gonna eat made him drool. Izuku just sweat dropped.

Y/n and Izuku finally parted ways, Y/n now walking silently, almost home, but of course something interrupts this amazing and relaxing peace. Y/n tripped, just about to fall face first, but he never did, someone caught him, a boy with red hair, and a pale face, his face was painted with a smirk. "Who are you?" Y/n asked, slightly embarrassed about this situation. The red head just grinned. "I am Aku-nu. Nice to meet you, Y/n.."

Betrayal~ [Izuku Midoriya x Male! Villain! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now