Chapter 1: The encounter

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One night while Heaven finished taking a shower she went outside. Then she saw a boy figure coming at her. She yelled “Stop I have a knife and I am not afraid to use it”. Then the boy said “ Please don't throw it I mean no harm!!” he comes closer into the light and Heaven was shocked. It was a 12 year old boy coming towards her. She asked “ho are you?” then the boy said “My name is Jeiden. Hi Heaven how are you?”.(Heaven faints)(5 hours later). “Good morning. Last night I had the weirdest but cutest dream that I met this really cute boy named Jeiden” (a voice interrupts) “ It wasn't a dream” Heaven opens her eyes and screams. Jeiden says “shhhh your parents are sleeping and it's really nice that you think im cute” then Heaven said “How did you get in here? Did you peeked? Ho

are your parents? Where did you come from?” Jeiden replies “Ok let's start with the first question I came in here with you in my arms thanks that you passed out 5 hours ago and no I dont peek and I came from the future.” Heaven sais

“wait you skipped a question ho are your parents?” “Ohhh! My bad” Jeiden said “ My parents are Jeriel and you Heaven” “Wait” Heaven said “ Me and Jeriel you must be out of your mind because we hate each other actually I hate him and he supposedly loves me but still me and him never in our lives again. Never ever again” Then he replies “ It is true mom you and Jeriel are husband and wife” (next day) “Good morning every o ahhhhhhhh. It wasn't a dream thank god!” (In Heaven’s mind) He is so cute but how is he my son?(said out loud) “I wish he could be my boyfriend wait what am I thinking I can't fall in love with someone I just meat at least I don't think is possible.” (Jeiden says) “Well yeah it is possible and next time keep your thoughts to yourself beautiful.”

(A few moments later like an hour or so)

“ So what do you do here?” Jeiden ask. “Study. Another thing you're going to follow me around all day right?” Heaven says. Jeiden replies with a “Yes. Why you ask?” “Because I need to make an excuse for you following me around and when I am in classes you can't interrupt me just if you need to go to the bathroom or if you have a question. Oh no why today?” Heaven sais. “What is it Heaven” Jeiden replies. “Two things happen today. First is that I sit right beside Jeriel in Social Studies and he is going to ask allot of questions about you and second is that today” (Jeiden interrupts) “  They pick your dance partners for the Christmas Dance and the Puerto Rican Dance right” “Right weight how do you know?” Heaven ask. “You told me mom” Jeiden replies. “ Another thing please don't call me mom while we are at school or at home or anywhere else it feels really weird and disturbing call me by my name” Heaven declares .“Ok Heaven I won't call you mom outside of your house"

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