Chapter 3

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As Trey is running as hard as he possibly can, he hears yelling from behind him. He can't quite make out the words but he thought they were saying something like, "Hey! Get back here! Before we open fire!"

Do they have a gun?  He thinks to himself as he runs.


"Well, that answers that." He whispers to himself. The crowds on the street start running like a herd of deer during hunting season. Then, BANG! Another shot and the person right next to Trey collapses. Now, he has no choice but to hide until the man is gone, he is in range and will get shot within the next few seconds if he doesn't take cover.

BANG! The bullet breaks off a piece of brick from the corner of the wall that he had just ducked behind. He stops running for a minute to catch his breathe. Hunched over in an alleyway, he waits for the man to pop out from behind the corner, he has even less of a chance to get away now because there isn't much room to dodge, one way out without running straight into the line of fire, and the crowd of people are almost gone.

Looking out of the alley he sees multiple dead bodies on the ground. Praying that he got away, he turns and speed-walks his way to the other end of the alley. He is still out of breathe from trying to escape.

As he reaches the end of the alley, he turns around to see if the man is behind him only to see the bodies on the ground. Then, the man walks into view only to examine the bodies one by one to check if they are dead or if they are him. He can't tell. "It's probably just him checking if it's me lying there," He thinks to himself, "I should probably get out of here." He turns around and hurries around the corner to get out of the alleyway.

After about 20 seconds of speed-walking away, he hears the man behind him curse out. Hat was when he realized that he actually got away. For now. But, he still has to survive. So, as he's running away, he pulls out his phone and calls the police. "If anyone can help me, it's the police," he thinks to himself as the phone rings.


"Hello, you have reached the 911 emergency line, what is your emergency?" The person on the other end of the line answers.

"Help, I found a flash drive with plans to blow up the White House! You need to send backup to come help me! I am being shot at, I am on the corner of Cherry and Boulderton. Please send help! Before they find me and kill me!"

"Find a safe place to hide and tell me where you are so I can send backup to your hiding spot."

Trey turns into the next alley and knocks on the first door on his right. After a couple of seconds, someone answered the door.

"What do you want?" The man at the door said.

"I need a place to hide, I am being shot at and hunted by these bad guys. The police are on their way. I only need to stay here for a couple minutes." Trey told the man.

"Come on in. You can stay for as long as you need. I heard the gunshots, was anyone killed?"

"Yes, a lot of people. And, I would not like to join them."

"Are you hidden and safe yet or are you still in danger?" The person on the phone says

"Oh yeah, I have the police on the phone so I can tell them where I am hiding so they can send help to my exact spot," Trey tells the man, then puts the phone up to his head and says, "I am in this man's house. The address is..."

He puts the phone to his hand and asks the man what the address is.

"163 Boulderton Road," the man tells him.

"163 Boulderton Road is the address," Trey tells the person on the phone.

"I am sending people to come pick you up. Stay there," the person on the phone tells him.

"No problem. I will call again if there are any changes of where I am." Trey tells them.

"Stay there, stay safe. Bye."

"Bye," Trey tells the person and then hangs up, "I guess I just hang out here until they get here."

"Shhh," The man says, "I hear someone outside."

They stay still and soundless, at least until a woman comes out from another room and asks the man, "Who are you talking to?"

"SHHHH," they both said simultaneously. Then, a screeching sound came from outside followed by gunshots. Firing toward THEM!

"Get down!" The man yells as bullets start breaking through the wall and flying through the room.

"What's happe..." the woman starts to ask but gets shot in the shoulder as she gets on the ground.

"NOOOOO!!" the man yells as he gets up and runs to her side, "Speak to me. Stay with me. Don't go, you will live through this. Just hang in there. Oh god, why? WHY?!?! Why must this happen to...," he starts crying as he holds on to the woman. "This is all YOUR fault!" he yells as he turns toward Trey.

"If you hadn't come here or done what they wanted, she wouldn't be...," He stops to look back at the woman. The life had disappeared from her eyes, for she had bled away, "YOU!" he yelled as he stood up to attack him.

A sickening noise filled the room and replaced the sound of the guns for a second. The man had been shot through the head.

"No..." Trey whispered to himself feeling guilty for their deaths and everyone else who had been killed by these people. He slowly but surely crawled his way into the kitchen on the other side of the room and in the back of the house. Suddenly, the house went silent except for the ringing in his ears. "A back door," he thinks to himself as the back door to the building comes into view from around the corner. 


"They broke down the front door!" he thinks to himself starting to panic as he gets up and opens the back door. Then, he sprints out of there for his life, thinking to himself, "How did I get caught up in all of this mess."

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