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When I was

  seven years

 old, I tripped

and fell

because I was young 

 and stupid and the

wheels on my boots moved 

 faster than the 

   rest of me.

they called it

 “A green light fracture”

I never understood 

 because green meant


 and I was trying to


“On a scale of one to ten

 how much

does it hurt?”

It was a nine.

Despite six long weeks

 spent in a white cast

(they were out of blue)

the bone remained

   fragile. And

I spent weeks 

 relearning and remembering

how to use it.

When I was 

  seventeen years

 old, I tripped

and fell

because I was young

 and stupid and my

heart worked 

 faster than 

  my head.

The broken bone

 hurt less.

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