Chapter One

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Sparaline POV

The room was dark. Pitch black. I couldn't move, but maybe that was due to the stuff that was binding me into a seating position. I was sitting down and my arms were in a wierd position as if they were tied behind a chair.

I closed my eyes, trying to remember how I got myself in this situation. It seemed like what happened was a long forgotten dream. And maybe- hopefully- it is.

It was early September and the leaves were still green, even though the temperature never reached past 60 degrees.

I was going for my usual night run at about 6 p.m. in a nearby neighborhood. The sky was hidden by gray dreary clouds, and it was misting.

I was in an especially good mood because I loved it when it misted. It felt magical compared to when it sprinkled or just straight out poured down rain. The mist slowly soaked through my yellow activewear shorts and matching sweater that was slightly unzipped to reveal the top of my sky blue sports bra, and despite the fact it was 50 degrees Fahrenheit I was sweating as if I was in a tropical heat wave.

My run was interrupted by a loud shout.

A man with a long gray beard and a trench coat was lying on the ground, moaning in pain and his body was twitching sporadically.

I had run over to help the man, but when I arrived he was both soundless and motionless.

He looked dead.

I had immediately reached into my pocket for my phone, but found that I didn't have any pockets and therefore did not have my phone in any of my nonexistent pockets.

Dang it, I had thought, I left it at home.

I had yelled out for help, but the neighborhood seemed deserted. I had no idea what to do. Its not like I could just leave the man lying there, could I?

I saw someone walking up the sidewalk across the street.

Now when I think about it the person looked suspicious in a black hoodie and pants, but at the time I was desperate and yelled out to the figure.

The person turned their head, and looked directly at me, and tilted their head to the side.

I'm sure it would have resembled something out of a horror movie, but at the momment all I could think about was the poor man on the ground.

The person just looked at me like that, but didn't come any closer. I turned my back to him, figuring they wouldn't be any help. I focused on the man and tried to find a pulse.

I didn't get the chance because suddenly there was someone's hands on my shoulder.

I looked up and was met face to face with the guy in the hoodie. However, there were no real features to the face.

It resembled the face of a mannequin but was white, yet metallic, and I could see a disfigured version of my face reflected back at me.

A coldness overcame me and I wanted to scream in fear but I couldn't find my voice.

And this was when my world went black

Now, I keep opening my eyes, expecting to see the purple ceiling of my bedroom or the screen of a t.v.  stuck on Disney channel, but each time, everything was black.

"Hello?" I called out wearily, not really expecting an answer. I winced because, when I spoke it sent a sharp pain to my head. Thankfully the pain disappeared as soon as I stopped talking.

My voice also sounded hoarse and felt scratchy when I spoke, as if I had spent hours screaming.

However, like I thought, no one responded. At least I thought there was no one until something bumped into me.

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