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Shay caught up with Carl. The man looked over at him, worry clear in his green eyes.

"Where's Andy?"

Shay swallowed. He didn't want to break the news to him but he had to.

"He was killed."

The words came out broken. Carl bowed his head as he let out a choked sob. Shay felt his pain on a similar level. He lost his friend and he lost his son.

"We have to put an end to this chase. No more people need to die to catch him," Shay said before kicking his horse.

The stallion let out a protest before picking up speed. Carl called after him.

"Shay, be careful! He uses dark magic!"

Dark magic? This was going to be even more difficult. Shay pulled closer to the injured man. The man looked over his shoulder at Shay and gave him a smirk. Shay tensed. What was he planning?

He drew his sword, watching his movements. He narrowed his eyes. It was like he wanted him closer. Maybe he planned to use his dark magic on him. Not a chance. He refused to let this insane man kill him.

He waited to strike, watching for the perfect moment to go for a fatal blow. He saw his chance when the man's horse failed to jump over a large fallen tree. His own horse cleared it with ease, using the top of the trunk as an extra boost over. They landed safely beside the two and trotted away. He turned back and dismounted.

He ran over as the fallen steed struggled to get up in the snow. Its rider was standing, shaking from the fall. Shay was horrified when the man yanked the knife out of his chest, blood spraying from the wound. The man put his free hand over the wound and Shay realized he was healing himself. That was how he took out the knife in his shoulder.

So he was able to wield dark magic and green magic. A deadly force when against someone who wasn't a magic user. Shay had to make his strikes count.

The man tossed the knife but Shay easily knocked it away with his sword.

"This ends now!" Shay shouted as Carl leaped over the tree.

Carl jumped off of his stallion a few moments after landing. He had his own sword drawn. The two inched closer, wary of his power. The man smirked as he moved his hand away to reveal that his chest was healed.

"You know, they didn't have to die," he said, his voice smooth and mocking.

Shay gritted his teeth. "Of course not! Why would you kill them?"

"Because it's fun!" the man laughed.

His glowing green eyes were the eyes of someone who had lost their mind. Shay glared at him. He felt so much hate for him. Carl no doubt felt the same. A glance at him showed he was shaking with anger.

The man suddenly disappeared. The two gasped and spun around, looking for him.

"You know, I really don't like to use my other powers to kill," came the man's voice from behind Shay.

Shay twisted around to face him. The man grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off of the ground. He squeezed, Shay struggling to pry his fingers from his neck. He was scared for Carl and himself as he fought to get free. If he died, the man would kill Carl with ease. If he died, who would protect the people of Peach?

Carl went on the offensive and attacked from behind.

He stuck his sword through the man's back, his iron sword appearing through his chest.

"You should never turn your back on an enemy," Carl roared before yanking his sword free.

The man let go of Shay and he fell, collapsing onto the snow, coughing. The man fell to his knees.

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