Ch 3. We're here! Cirque du freak!

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That night

I told the boys I would meet me at the place. I had to take care of something. I wrote a note on the table for my mother if she ever came back, I wouldnt be her daughter any more.

I rode my bike to the old theater. I put my bike next to the window and waited.

As I waited I felt the wind start to pick up. I put a hand on my hat that wouldnt blow away. I heard footsteps. Looking to my left no one, but when I looked right, Steve and Darren ran right into me and made me fall though the doors to the theater.

I sat up. "Really guys?" They just smiled at me as we all got up. We turned around to see this really tall man. And do I mean tall. he was what 8 feet high?

"Hello young ones." I waved at the man as he said hello to us. "Do you have your tickets?" He asked us. I nodded and so did Steve. "Do you Darren?" My eyes widened. 'How?' I thought. Darrne noddded and he went to ask how he knew his name. He walked around the hallway and we ran after him.

As we turned he was all the way at the end and drinking some tea. We handed him the tickets and he ate them?! I tilted my head to the side as he opened the doors for us and we smiled to see how many people was there. 

I was so happy to be here, to people like well me since I can control the elements. We gots some good sits like 3 rows from the stage. The tall man, as he called himseld Mr.Tall. I giggled at the name. He told us that all the acts are real nothing and fake, and if we wanted to. We could leave now. All three of us kept sitting.

Mr.Tall smirked. "well then, lets begain shall we with the Wolf Man" A lady screamed as the rolled out a cage that had a man looking like a wolf. Hair all over him, he growled at the ladies that rolled him out. One told us to be very quite as they put him in a trans.

Taking him out of the cage and walked him around. Steve bwnt over and touched his fur as they paased by. Suddenly a woman fell from her seat screaming, waking the wolf man up. Making him charge at her. Biting her arm off. My eyes went wide at the blood and turned away. My heart was beating so fast.

It was a rush I never felt before and I liked it, I wanted to join so bad. 

After the wolf man was put back in his cage, they brought out.

The worlds fattest man, Ruamus Twobellies, Alexander Ribs' musical hit Medley, the Twisting Twins, Sive and Seersa. I loved the twins as they were really great.

Next was a snake boy, he waved at me, making me blush but Steve and Darren shot a small glare at the snake boy. Making me hit their heads. Then was Gertha teeth's mouth, strongest teeth is the world, Speedy Hans Hands, a man that was so fast just on his legs, and last was the bearded lady, Tsuska.

She was so pretty even with the beard. "Now for our last freak,  Mr.Crepsley and his performing spider, Madam Octaaa!!!"

A man stepped out and grinned at everyone. I tilted my head to the side as /i had seen those eyes before. Mr.Crepsley plaied his flute and made the spider act. At the end he made her fly into the air, caught her on his mouth and spun a web. Then ate it.

At the end all the freaks waved the good byes and thanks. We left to get stuff to buy. Im glad mother left me money, that worthless woman. I frowned as I still couldnt believe she is gone again.

I bought candy, a few figures, a toy snake, and a spider of Madam Octaaa. Steve had told me to go one ahead, he needed to do something. I frowned as I walked home. I knew Darren would go after Steve since they are the best of friends. I bended a little air as I walked, feeling as  someone was watching me.  I let it be and went in side and went to bed since we had school in a few days.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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