The Meeting

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This was typical Ronnie! Completely typical but there was nothing more she could do about it now. Ariel was so angry at him, the exact type of angry she had been at him so many times before and will more than likely be many more times in the future. He could have at least given her a heads up but no. Here they were in a board room at the recording studio about to sign on a new lead guitarist and she had only been informed by Ronnie on the way here a little under half an hour ago. But in all honesty she wasn't shocked about this revelation because at least it wasn't one of the bad ones but still she could have done with a bit of notice, actually she was lucky she had any at all. Over the last few years she had become so used to Ronnie's antics, she still got mad at him every time he did something stupid but now it was more of an inconvenience rather than a complete disaster. Ariel had what she believed to be the best job in the world. She loved it so much that she didn't consider it work anymore. Just over 4 years ago she had packed her bags and moved out to LA, an act of running away from a bad past. There was no real plan behind any of it, all she knew when she left was that she was looking for a new start to life and a new start she had gotten. At the beginning she was what she had been hired for, Falling In Reverse's personal assistant, whatever they needed she got but now she had become more than that, she was part of the band. She didn't get up on stage, though she did fill in roles during band practise. She had become someone they couldn't do without. Now she was involved in everything they did, from booking hotels and tour buses to going on tour with them and moments like now when they were signing a new band member. She knew that every one of them was truly grateful for everything she did and really respected her. And Ariel was having the absolute time of her life which made it seem less like work and more like everyday life. Even in moments like this where Ronnie had annoyed her she was still happy. She spent a lot of her time sorting Ronnie's life out so they were quiet close, to the point where she lived with him. In the beginning it was awkward because he was him, but she put her foot down there was no way either of them would end up together and so he had become more like a brother to her. Any one of the band members would tell you that they bickered like they were brother and sister, him the wild one and her the sensible one who occasionally was swayed to join in Ronnie's antics. She looked across the table at him and scowled, he mockingly scowled back so Ariel stuck her middle finger up at him, he pretended to look hurt and offended which made Ariel laugh. Her laughing didn't mean he was forgiven, it just relaxed the situation. They couldn't exactly be arguing in front of the new guy, give it a day or two and then they would. Ariel looked around the rest of the room looking at everyone else. Derek was talking to the last guy that they had signed back at the beginning of the year, Zakk. He was a sweet heart and she liked him a lot more than the guy he replaced. Zakk was very chilled and laid back which meant he got on very well with Derek. Together they made a brilliant stage left team with Derek on rhythm and Zakk on bass guitar. Ryan, the drummer, was sat spinning in his chair staring at the ceiling. He was very much as always in a world of his own. Ariel liked Ryan a lot; they had spent many long nights whilst on tour the last few years talking about everything and anything and had grown close. She looked at Ronnie again, his face was buried in his phone as it usually was. What was strange though usually she'd find Jacky sat right next to her but he wasn't here, the chair he would have been sat in was empty and it was his chair they were filling today. Jacky had left the band to do his own thing. The departure had been on good terms, Jacky felt like it was time and even though none of them wanted him to go they all cared enough to let him go. It was hard for Ariel to see him go, they had bonded over homesickness as both of them had moved from the UK to be out here and as it turned out they had grown up not far from each other. They had spent the last few years debating what made a great sandwich and the best way to make tea. Together they had sat watching British TV shows and trying to convince the others to eat a chip sandwich which never happened, creating their own little piece of home between them. Jacky had become Ariel's best friend and Jacky returned the feeling and it had become where there was one you would find the other. It still hurt Ariel thinking back to the day he said he was leaving and how she had cried at the news, it had felt like she was losing family. She wasn't one for crying and at that moment it was more shock than anything but now here they were signing up Jacky's replacement. From the conversation she had had with Ronnie in the car he had just gone on recommendation with this new guy. Ronnie hadn't auditioned him, there were no tests, just a few phone calls between them and that was it. Ronnie was convinced that this guy was the one for them though Ariel knew he'd be put through his paces at practise tomorrow and she would be the one to do it. They had a short tour to get to in a few weeks so he needed to be good as it was big shoes he was filling. Jacky was one of the best guitarists she had known and had brought the band some of their most iconic guitar solos. Ariel span in her chair and made her way to the coffee machine, as she was pouring a cup she heard the door open and Ronnie getting up. She had her back to all the others but she could hear them all saying hello and introducing themselves to the new guy, she could hear her name being called and as she turned she had to double take. He stood over 6 feet tall, his brown hair was mostly hidden by a baseball cap which he had on backwards but what Ariel could see it was chin length, his deep brown eyes where fixed on her but her eyes wandered over the rest of him. He was wearing ripped black skinny jeans and a baggy t-shirt but that wasn't what had caught her eyes. It was the size of his arms, they were well muscled and toned, he definitely worked out. Ariel's mind started to drift thinking what could be under that baggy t-shirt then she mentally kicked herself, that was inappropriate. She walked towards him as he stood there a little awkwardly and she sat back down in her chair, a little out of fear that her legs might give way from the nerves he was giving her. She turned towards the table breaking her gaze from his and at this point her brain kicked back in, carefully she placed her cup on the table and pulled out all the paperwork he would have to sign. She doubled checked it was still in order but it had been printed the moment they had reached the studio as thanks to Ronnie she had no time to prepare. She slid all of it over towards Ronnie and the bands lawyer who had joined them to make sure everything went ok. She leaned back in her chair and took a sip of much needed coffee. Ronnie had been extremely inconvenient this morning; he had unplugged the coffee machine for his vape charger which meant at 8am this morning the coffee machine failed to make coffee so when Ariel came to get a cup there was nothing. So Ariel was wrestling with the coffee machine when Ronnie entered the kitchen declaring they had to go to the studio in an hour giving her no time to have her morning cup of coffee as she was still to have a shower and get dressed then whilst on the way told her about the contract signing today. As she took another sip of the dark liquid she scowled at Ronnie before turning to look out the window but she wouldn't have him any other way.


She spun suddenly and realised that Ronnie was talking to her.

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