Intro + Preview

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Okay so I actually borrowed this from my other random book The Sparrow Floats West Because It Can (Random Book #5) on Reina_de_Naipes , so yeah it's basically word for word because it covers all the points that I wanted to talk about.

This came as a result of several things....

1. Seeing part of the Exorcist tv show

2. Listening to the song Exorcism by Creep-P

3. Reading and watching Defenders



"That was a close one," Jessica says as she takes a sip of her drink. "We nearly died."

Matt remained silent as he looked at his food. A minute passes before he says, "I'm sorry for freezing. That demon.... Was the one I failed to exorcise earlier."


Jessica cursed inwardly before placing a hand on Matt to get him to look at her. "I'm sorry Matt. I didn't realize."

"It's fine," Matt said as he looks down at his food.

Jessica stared at Matt for a bit. Despite his assurance that he was okay, Jessica knew that tone. It was the tone that implied that he felt guilt, and Jessica hated that tone wit a passion. The last time she heard it, Matt lost sleep and Jessica had to basically force him to take a nap to help him recover sleep. She also tried everything to cheer him up, and she finally made him more or less cheer up when she was cheering up a young girl. Jessica wasn't exactly sure if she could run around yelling, "I'M A WIZARD" and waving a stool around in a bar. That would probably get her kicked out.

"Hey," Jessica said. "We all freeze up Matt. No one is holding it against you that you froze."

Matt was silent. Jessica sighed. "Okay, except for the Chaste but the Chaste is f*cked up. The girl was happy, the parents are happy, and we lived. Don't be too hard on yourself."

Matt managed a small smile before looking at her. "Thanks Jessie."

Jessica rolled her eyes but laughed. "Don't call me Jessie, okay?"

Matt shrugged and looked at his food. Jessica nodded before looking around. "O....kay."

"What's wrong?" Matt says as he looks at the direction she's facing.

"Nothing. Just discount Captain America is glaring at me for no reason."

Matt looked in her direction to the blonde man in the corner, glaring daggers at Jessica. His eyes caught Matt's and he froze for a second before smiling.

Matt looked at Jessica and sighed. "Jess. That's Daniel Rand, the heir to Rand Corporation."

"He looks like Discount Steve Rogers or Discount Johnny Storm."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that," Matt says as he takes a bite of his food. "I don't need the image of the Iron Fist yelling 'FLAME ON' as he throws Cap's shield."

"Wait, he's the Iron Fist?" Jessica says as she continues to stare at Daniel Rand, who's back to glaring at her.

"Yes. Stop staring Jess it's rude."

Jessica looks back at Matt. "What is the Iron Fist?"

Matt pauses for a second. "His fist glows with a power of a dragon. He is meant to protect a magical city called Kun Lun from mystical threats."

"So he's a magical night light that's supposed to chase away nightmares?"

"That's not what I said," Matt muttered as he rubs his temples.

"Excuse me? Jessica Jones and Matthew Murdock?"

Jessica and Matt tense for a second before turning to see Daniel Rand standing there with a serious look on his face.

"Yes," both of them say at the same time. Matt looks at Jessica for a second before saying, "Do you need anything, Mr. Rand?"

"Please call me Danny," Danny says. "And I need your help to save Kun Lun."



Okay so a few notes:

1. I misspelled Kun Lun because I had no idea that it was spelled K'un-Lun.

2. Matt isn't blind in this fic because I am already too mean to him, due to his past and I gave him depression as well. So yeah he doesn't have super hearing and super smell, but he can still fight.

3. Only Danny has his superpowers. Matt has the ability to exorcise demons, Jessica can send her soul into people's bodies to help fight off the demon, Luke is invunerable to demons and has a weapon designed to kill demons, and Claire can heal demonic wounds. Danny also has the ability to see where demons are.

4. This is a modern AU with demons. And anime stuff thanks to Steampowered_Dragon (Danny sparkles when he flirts)

5. The Chaste is kind of evil in this fic

6. Matt and Jessica are exorcists, not a lawyer and Private Investigator respectively

7. Luke and Claire have already been recruited prior to this scene, and those two are dating

8. Matt and Danny are going to get shipped together, while Luke and Claire are already dating. There will be mentions of sex and suggested sex, but you won't see any sex because I want to focus more on the exorcism plot.

9. The only swear words I'll censor is f*ck and b*tch. Everything else won't be censored (and there will be a few swears that I won't use)

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this story!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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