Chapter Four: Hearts that Bonds

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People talking, chattering, voices mumbling and whispering… “-is he all right?”

“I think he is. Madame said he just needs a rest,” two voices can be heard indistinctively right at the side where Liam laid rest for almost a day. Slowly, and gently he opens his eyes like he’s waking up out of an eternal slumber. Stood up quickly and said, “…where am I?” and saw two girls standing in at the right bedside, may be same of his age. The first girl he saw right front of her, long dark hair, with seemingly unexpressive, but strong- looking eyes, bend his back and faced Liam’s and replied, “you’re safe…”

“Who are you people?” asked Liam while his eyes are turning everywhere, “-where am I?”

“The real question is, ‘who are you?’… Ordinary people are not supposed to be here… let alone in this house…”

“So, you’re not ordinary? Or weird”

The black haired girl chuckled and smile as she sat down beside Liam, “No. Different.” While raising her right hand to Liam offering a handshake, “I’m Erza… Erza Ignis.”

Liam reached for her hand and gave a handshake back, “Ignis, really weird. Why, because are you on fire?” and then laughed as he meant it for a silly joke. “-I mean, not literally…”

“I am…” she answered… and smiled.

“Ah. What?” Liam answered. Suddenly, Liam had his hand burst into flames for a second, “-WHOA! What was that?!” his heart and breath were taken out, his soul almost jumped out of his feet and out of the bed, “Y-y-you did that?”

“Ah. Yeah, I did.” Erza laughed. “So, literally… I’m on fire…”

Another girl standing just at the back of Erza added, “So funny and really weird…”

“What is?” said Erza. “This is Ruth, by the way.” A blonde, short- haired girl, looks like the same age as the two, only younger.

“So funny and weird that he did jumped off the bed but still, he’s holding your hand…” Ruth said smiling while Liam quickly took his hands back. Maybe, out of the commotion and confusion, he did forget he’s still holding her hand unintentionally, “I’m Ruth Millard.” So she added.

“And you are?”

“Liam Nightlight…” he said while still catching his breath and almost looked like terrified. “Just what the hell is that?”

“Gift,” answered Erza. “Come on, Ruth. Show him yours…” Ruth smiled and walked at the other side of Liam.

Terrified and confused, Liam thought Ruth will do something like Erza did to him. She stand at the left side of the bed then said, “relax, I’m not gonna do anything bad to you.” Instead of touching his’ hand, she touched his left shoulder. “-now, raise your arms…”

Not terrified, but still confused. He cannot lift his left arm suddenly. He smiled and said, “Gravity.”

“Smart one.” Said Erza and smiled. Uneasiness faded away on the crowd of three, as Liam lighten up his face but still thinking where he is. At the door of this little room, it opens and someone entered.

“Well, now.” A woman came in on the room. “-that’s quite enough for now girls… My boy need some quiet time, you know”

“Aunt Marissa!” he thundered. Rushed out of the bed and hugged Aunt Marissa tight. “I knew it was you! But why you have-” he did not cry, only worried on his mind that his only family is still alive… at least there were left.

“Ssshhh… silence now,” said Aunt Marissa, “let’s talk about it later, okay? Now, can you girls wait outside?” and the two got out of the room.

Liam sat down on the bed, while Aunt Marissa, on the chair, left side of the bed. The two had a paused and almost filled the room with silence and curiosity. A tons of questions came into the young boys mind, but do not know where or when to start and what to say.

“Rico-,” started Liam, but immediately stopped as Aunt Marissa jumped in.

“He’s alive…,” quickly she uttered. Wanting to speak, she did not get the hopes of the boy any higher, “but not normally alive… just alive it is.”

“Oh, you mean like Erza and Ruth?”

“No. Not like that. He’s Heartless.”

“What? What do you mean?” asked Liam, while words cannot describe how his fear can dominate over his feelings. “He became one of them?”

“-Do you want to see him?!?!?!” thundered Aunt Marissa. “I’m asking you… Do you want to see him?”

“No, I want to save him.” He said in deep straight voice.

“I cannot promise saving him. Maybe not now, not tomorrow…”

“You have a Gift. Use it for the better, and maybe someday you may save him… but not now.” Aunt Marissa said.

“What’s that, Gift?” said Liam. I’m not like them.”

“Like them?” she asked.

“I’m not…different.” Liam added.

“Yes. You are not. Because you’re unique, your Gift that is” she stood up and walk around the bed as she talks.

“Gift sometimes are not given, sometimes they are gained… Gained in a sense it is said to be given-”

“I-I don’t understand…” startled and confused he answered.

“Just remember these things I told you. You, yourself will decide how to use that Gift. Freewill Liam… Freewill. And you are also the one who will give form, what it can and it will do.”

“And how am I gonna do that?”

“…faith, kid. You must have faith” she said while holding Liam’s head, “having faith is just giving a plan. Having a plan to be done and work according to what you wanted… that is your belief.”

“I-I can’t… Wha-”

“Just believe Liam. After all, experience is at work…” a moment of silence again filled the room, “what is it you believe? Liam?”

“…” he looked up to Aunt Marissa’s face, “Rico… I believe he’s still alive. I just need to get to him, reach him and save him. That’s all I want to do.”

“Magnificent.” She said. “Still have to work on your Gift though.”

“How will I know mine?”

“Help is just outside kiddo. Your steps into saving him are rough. But make it sure, you don’t do it for the bad reasons.”

“I promise Aunt Marissa.”

“Remember, your strongest power in that gift is belief.” she said in a more dignified voice while light coming out of her back then beautiful, majestic, bird-like wings came out,  “A heart that can believe more out of his little faith can bond even the farthest link between hearts.”

“I knew you’re the one who saved me… You’re an angel.” Amazed and dazzled, he added.

“I’m no angel, just like you… we’re nephilims…”

The words came out of her mouth became something that changed Liam’s way of life. Out of confusion, eagerness to know and believe. He remained puzzled and still. Getting to know his real life may be too hard to swallow.

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