2 days till graduation...
(Penelope's POV)
"Goooooooooodmorning Cardinals! Please rise for the pledge of allegiance.." The speaker booms.
I almost forget to stand. So caught up in my Picture of Dorian Gray book, I rise halfway through the pledge. Then, I slouch back down; my eyes still glued to the novel.
"Today is Wenesday, May 20, 2020. Lunch for today: Chicken Sandwiches..."
I have to admit, the announcements are irrelevant and repetitive. Ive had 4 years of this high school experience, and I'm more than ready to take my ticket to Massachusetts where I will go to the college of my dreams... Harvard.
"Seniors, please don't forget to pick up your cap and gown before graduation Friday!..."
A few male seniors let out an obnoxious "whoop whooooop". The principle asked me to prepare a speech to "inspire" the students in a sense. Im not surprised, I've always maintained a 4.00 or higher G.P.A. for as long as I can remember. Ive always put school first. I feel like I truly do have a bright future. I don't feel that high school is a time for dating or anything like that... Teenagers need to get their shit together. Along with my focus on school follows my strict "no party, drinking, or drug usage" shebang.
"This is Jillian Knolls saying, have a great day!" Then with a pop, the speaker shuts off.
Im not a total anti-social monster. Jillian happens to be my friend, and my only one for that matter. We couldn't be more unalike. But, I always did think that opposites do indeed attract. She balances me out.
I peek out the window. Mostly, I feel that the only way to truly relax is to tune out the world and focus on something beautiful. Sometimes, it can compel one to stop and realize that its the little things in life that can make them the happiest. The soft oak tree that barely fits in the frame of the window seems to be the only piece of nature in this prison. It's saturated green physique and the spring breeze calls me to go outside and take in the dying rock we live on while I still can.
But in reality; I need to finish high school, go to college, get a good paying job, marry a put-together man, have a respectable amount of kids, and just be successful in general.
Wow. Im boring.
AcciónHigh school senior Penelope would have never expected the next tragic massacre to occur so close to her heart.