Christmas Traditions

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AJ Styles - During your year travelling around the world, the two of you picked up a whole host of things, however it was always the ornament that went on your tree that meant the most to you both, decorated to commemorate each year that you spent together.

Baron Corbin - You both would always bake a batch of Christmas cookies to take round for every single member of your family to indulge in. Each cookie was different, either with reindeer, snowflakes, or Santa for everyone to try and enjoy in the morning.

Dean Ambrose - To celebrate Christmas, you both always went out on the 1st of December to find yourselves your own tree, the biggest you could find, that you would try and tie on the car and argue over where the tallest place was to put it in the home.

Dolph Ziggler - Each year you'd volunteer an hour of your day to the local food kitchen down the road from your house where all the lonely people gathered on Christmas in the hope of finding warmth and friendship from you both.

Finn Balor - Every Christmas Eve without fail the two of you would settle down underneath a pile of blankets and watch all your favourite Christmas movies from your childhood on repeat until the clock struck midnight.

Jeff Hardy - To close off Christmas, the two of you would settle down at the fireplace, that sat on the wall of the living room, and drink your nana's favourite hot chocolate that she taught you the recipe for last year that the both of you could enjoy year after year.

Kevin Owens - On the one day off you had with your families that wasn't the day of Christmas you'd all go out as one big happy family and enjoy sledding down the snowy Canadian hills that surrounded the small town that the two of you habited in.

Matt Hardy - Alongside your children, every year you'd all go out in the car, it was always too cold to walk, and explore the Christmas lights and decorations in the local neighbourhood that all the other families put up to showcase to the residents.

Roman Reigns - Despite being adults, the two of you would always go out into the garden on Christmas Eve and decorate it with reindeer food for Rudolph and all the other reindeers to enjoy whilst they delivered all the presents to your favourite family members.

Sami Zayn - Every year at Christmas you'd take time out of your busy schedules to create your own gingerbread house. You'd spend hours creating, eating, and perfecting the little house that was covered in icing and sweets to show off in your kitchen  window.

Seth Rollins - Being the big kids you were you'd both always create the biggest snowman that you could during the wintery months, covered with hat, scarf and gloves, your slightly off colour snowman would always sit proudly in your front garden.

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