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3 months later

It's currently 6:26 p.m. and Rainbow was sitting in her parents' kitchen with her dad. Aj was upstairs with Zora looking at the clothes she'd brought for their baby.

"You look absolutely beautiful with your growing baby bump, Applejack!" Zora complimented, smiling brightly.

"Thank you." Aj smiled back, putting all of the clothes back into the large bag it was in at first.

"No problem, honey. I can't wait until the baby's born and we get to see the little munchkin in all these adorable outfits."

"Yeah, me too. I just hope she's okay in there." Aj began to chew on her lip a bit, rubbing her round little tummy.

"Aww, they'll be okay, dear. Don't you worry your pretty little head about the baby." Zora told her, placing her hand on Aj's shoulder.

"Can I be honest with you?" Aj making the conversation more serious.

"Of course, what is it, sweetie?"

"I still haven't told Rainbow, but I'm so worried about the baby because when I went to the doctor some months ago, a little after I got pregnant, I was getting an exam and the doctor told me that I have a small, little cyst on my ovary and it could possibly harm the baby. Now, I was shocked, but she told me that I have to try not to stress so much about it or other things or I'll hurt the baby and I don't want that. What do I do?" Aj finished, taking a deep breath.

"Wow, um..well, first, you should tell Rainbow as soon as possible because you shouldn't keep that from her. Second, you shouldn't be stressing about this because I'm sure it's nothing bad enough to hurt the baby. Third, it's okay, Applehack, everything's going to be fine. Trust me." Zora comforted her, rubbing Aj's arm with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, I trust you." Aj replied with a sigh.

"Soooo, how've you been feeling lately?"

"I've been having some pain in my lower tummy for the last few days, but I've been good."

"Pain? What kind of pain, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Kinda like menstrual cramps, just not as severe. Why?"

"Honey, you should go a doctor right away. Don't ask why or worry about anything, okay? You get your stuff ready and I'll go down to tell Rainbow to take you to the hospital." Zora said quickly before leaving the room they were in and going downstairs.

She returned a minute later with car keys in her hand and a worried look on her face.

"They're not here anymore, but it's okay, dear. I'll just take you myself." She forced a smile on her face as Aj grabbed her phone and the bag of clothes, standing up.

"Okay, I'll just text her on the way there."

They both left the house and went to the nearest hospital, Zora going around the car to help Aj out. When Aj got out, she noticed her seat had a few red drops on the leather and she began to panic.

"W-Why's my seat have blood on it? And why are my pants bloody? Am I okay?" Aj asked with a scared look on her face as she stared at her bloody fingers from when she just touched the back of her pants.

"Shh, it's okay. Come on." Zora silenced her, closing the car door and leading Aj into the hospital's emergency entrance.

When they went in, Zora went to the front desk to get help.

"Excuse me, my daughter's girlfriend is having complications with her pregnancy. Can you please help us?" Zora asked the woman behind the counter in a frantic tone.

"Yes, ma'am. Our women's unit is through the bright pink double doors right here to the left. There's available wheelchairs pn theother side of the doors and I'll call a nurse to come get you guys right away." The receptionist said, picking up the phone and calling the women's unit.

Meanwhile, Zora helped Aj through the doors and got her to sit in one of the wheelchairs.


"Thanks for taking me to see that movie and get dinner afterwards. It was so awesome, Dad." Rainbow smiled as her and Bow got back in her car and left the mexican restaurant they ate at.

"Anything for my favorite little girl." Bow replied.

"I'm not 'little', Dad, I'm 26." She rolled her eyes with a laugh.

"Sure you are. Anyway, I'm surprised you didn't get a call from Applejack or Zora by now. They're probably at the house wondering when we'll get back."

"My phone died a few hours ago, but I hope they didn't need anything important."

"Yeah because accidentally I left my phone at home, so they can't call me even if they wanted to."

"Can you grab my charger off the backseat? I need to check up on Aj."

He reached back and grabbed her charger, handing it to her. She thanked him and plugged it into the car charger outlet, connecting it to her phone, making sure to turn it on. A few minutes later, she pulled up in front of her parent's home.

"Looks like they left because Zora's car isn't in the driveway anymore." Bow said, taking his seatbelt off while Rainbow's eyebrows lifted at how many missed calls she had, all from Zora.

She called her back and pressed the phone up to her ear, her father's wife answering on the third ring.

"Rainbow Dash, where are you and your father?" Zora asked immediately.

"We just got back to the house, why?"

"You two need to get to the hospital now. I've been trying to reach you both for hours. Applejack and I are on the second floor, room 121 in the women's unit."

With that, Zora hung up before Rainbow could say anything else. Rainbow's heart began to beat faster as she put her phone in the cupholder and started the car back up.

"They're at the hospital." Rainow told her dad.

"For what? Are they okay?" He asked with worry.

"I don't know, but I hope they're okay. She said she'd been trying to reach us for hours, but he need to get there now." Rainbow replied before driving to the hospital.

(A/N: Sorry I haven't been around much guys. I just had a death in the family and it's been rough for my family but we're gonna make it. I do plan on doing new chapters more frequently, but idk if it'll work out with school exams, dance practice after school everyday, & my birthday and christmas coming up in a couple of weeks, so we'll see. Anyway, as always, ily guys!! )

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