1- Fiona

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Great, another day I have to suffer...no girl friends to talk to about life, no freedom, no nothing. Great.

I've always been a super negative child. Well, except I'm not supposed to be a child anymore. I'm a fourteen year-old (ughhhhhhhh) and I should act like one apparently, according to my brother. I get it, single parenting is hard, but hey, you were a kid not a long time ago...why can't you just let go a bit?

Anyways, let's not get into my problems. Today marks the first day of high school ever. I mean, I'm slightly excited to see my friends again, but I HATE school. Not the learning part which I find odd, just the people in it I guess.

I'm just a very antisocial person. People hate me and they just don't like my personality, and I don't blame them. I don't like myself either hahahah.

Like I said, though, I DO have a few friends who get me kinda, but don't actually know who I am necessarily...I just hope that'll change with at least one or two of them...

I'll just list their names I guess. Marian, my friend since last year after a huge group project, Claire, my friend since last year as well but we're not as close as I thought...Melany is also my friend, but we barely communicate in general honestly. And the last person. I remember last year...oh god.

I walked up to him last year... "So, when are we meeting for the project?" Oh shoot why am I shaking?

"I have no idea honestly..." he laughed. "Do you know?" he looked back at me.

Oh my god...whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

"Uhhhhhhh, Fiona? Are you okay?"

"Oh yeah! Sorry, I was thinking about life...I guess hahah. Yeah I'm fine..."

"Oh. Ok. I'll text the chat later and ask."


After that, he looked a bit concerned... "Do you wanna talk a little bit? About ya know?"

"No! I mean, no, sorry I'm a little off today..."

"Just tell me if you need anything, ok?"

"Ok," I said, melting.

After that, I never talked to him by myself...

So basically those are the people I really know and am friends with. Yeah, I know, I'm an antisocial butterfly...but I think I like it that way. The more people that know me, the more people I feel I need to tell secrets to, and the more I feel that way, the more insecure I get.

Now all I have to do is actually go to school. Right now, I'm eating breakfast with my brother real fast since I could be late (I think I'd rather be).

"So, how's life?"

"Seriously Grant, you already know how I feel right now."

"I actually don't but ok whatever you say."

"Fine. Life sucks like the usual." I gulped my Cheerios down. "Bye." I got up, getting ready to leave.

In a flash, he caught my arm. "Ok, just saying, you can talk to me if you need to, ok? I'm here for you. And please, help me out here, ever since Mom and Dad died we haven't been getting along as well as we used to..."

"Well, maybe try better next time when they get hit by a car and push you out of the way."

I wrenched the door open and stepped out into the cool air.

Ok I'll pause for a second. You are thinking that was cruel, right? Because I know, it was. But don't think I'm the mean one right now, because he usually gets really angry and curses his head off. You'll see...

As I walked down the sidewalk, I let the light wind dry my tears and cool me down. I knew that would happen. It happened every year on the first day of school. Emotions run high in my house, they do.

Life suckssssssssssssssssssssss. I thought about this all the way to school...

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