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Why can't I just tell her? Camila thought. She absolutely adored Lauren, she had a crush on her for four years now, never could she get the courage to tell her. Camila doesn't even know if Lauren would return her feelings, she doesn't even know if Lauren actually like girls. Camila always thought that Lauren does but sometimes she is uncertain.

Camila flops down onto the bed and stares at the ceiling, she still remembers how they met.

She was walking into the school gate with her best friend Dinah, suddenly Dinah ran over to her friend Normani and dragged Camila with her. Camila had never seen such a beauty before. Next to Normani stood a girl. She had long dark hair and emerald eyes. As soon as Camila looked into her eyes, she immediately saw her beautiful soul. Camila didn't know who the girl was but she knew right away she was hopelessly in love.

Back then Camila still wasn't sure about her sexuality, she was still figuring out who she was. After the encounter with the girl, she didn't really see her again. The year passed very quickly and the girl wasn't in her classes and Camila had given up on her but by then she knew her name was Lauren.

It was the next year and Camila was waiting for Ally to arrive. Camila was always early at school because the only way she could get to school was with her neighbour and he had to leave early for work. Leaning on her shoulder against the wall, she felt someone touch her back and she turned around to find Lauren. "Hi!" Camila said a little too loud and Lauren jumped a little bit. "Hey, I was wondering if I could give you my number and we could hang out sometime?" the green eyed girl said. Camila only nodded and she felt her face getting hot. Lauren smiled and walked away, then looked over her shoulder and winked at Camila. Suddenly Camila's feelings for Lauren came flooding in.

A week passed and Camila hadn't heard from the girl with the beautiful eyes, Lauren never gave Camila her number and Camila thought that this girl was messing with her. A month passed and Camila saw Lauren sitting under a tree, reading a book and listening to music. Camila had a plan, she knew Lauren loved to read, so after school that day, she went to the library for some books. She picked out a book with about a thousand pages, hoping to impress Lauren when she sees her with it.

At lunch time Camila sat under a tree near the place where Lauren and her friends usually sit, hoping Lauren would see her. Camila pretended to read the book but she was actually looking at Lauren the entire time. Then Camila noticed Lauren finally walking over to her and then Lauren said "I didn't know you like to read?" Camila didn't know what to say, she had to think fast. "I recently started" Camila lied knowing that she never read a single book in her life. The bell rang and Lauren said "I'll see you later" walking backwards, not wanting to look away from the smaller girl with the sweet voice sitting under the tree, because secretly Lauren liked Camila too. Suddenly Lauren tripped and fell backwards, Camila didn't even take a second to respond. It was like she was already there before the girl fell. "A-are you o-okay?" Camila asked softly. "Yeah" Lauren said and quickly got up, gave the younger girl a shy smile and walked away, clearly embarrassed.

The next few days they avoided each other until Camila saw Lauren with a boy. Was it her boyfriend? Camila felt sad and frustrated, she walked away as quick as she could, not wanting to see the girl of her dreams falling for some guy. Lauren noticed that Camila saw them but although she wanted to go after her, she did not move.

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