Chapter 1

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"yah! Why are you so late!!"

Why that always be the first thing I heard when I woke up. It is annoying, so annoying but I admit, if that is not what I heard every morning, my heart will stops and I start panicking. Even though I still close my eyes, trying to act like im sleeping but if I take off that façade, smile always be the first thing I do after hear his words.

"why are you so loud...." I said in sore voice.

He just groans, like he always do and pull me up by my shirt to stand up. All I do is shut my eyes and yawn before slam myself to him and try to sleep again.

"y-yah! y/n! you are so heavy- just go and get ready! I cant believe we have been together since high school and now being neighbor in this English country and you still the same!" he keep on nagging but as a sweetheart he always be, he still dragging me to the bathroom with towel over my face.

"get ready! I will prepare breakfast, lazyass". he shout from the kitchen, my apartment small enough to hear his shout.

Jeonghan never change, maybe not a lot. He never stop feeding me with food. We have been together for more than 5 years. We met when we joining the book club. Im kinda surprise because I heard he is former swimming club member but after move to seoul and study in our high school, he change to book club. My first impression is, he is just some sports boy that join book club expecting able to skip it because he is one of the cool kids but he actually a book-worm as well. I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, having nice muscles doesnt mean he is not a book-worm.

We getting close because im the club manager while he is someone that just like to know what books our library had. He likes books that I like. Despite echi manga, we both enjoy mystery and drama-action novel. I still remember that moment we tell about our dream.

"it would be nice if I could study in U.K" I said.

"you want to study in U.K too?! I want to take medicine or swim teaching in London" he mutter with a slight pout.

"London? No! its too expensive. Lets go to Manchester!"

"yeah! Manchester sounds nice!"

"cool! You will be my neighbor!"

"yeah! Lets graduate and be neighbor there!"

Those memories wont be something I could forget. It was something that I never expect happen and I didn't expect he will be my best friend until now.

I get out of the bathroom and put on my casual clothing. I don't like suffering to look good. As long as its make me feel pretty and comfortable to smile when been court out so its 5 stars clothing to me.

I walk out of my room after cleaning up the mess I create and grab my stuff at the living room since I studied there till pass midnight.

"what are you making? Smell different".

"d-different? Good way or bad way?" he look at me from his shoulder slightly before continue finishing whatever he up to.

"good way~ I like new stuff. You know that" I smile excitedly while sitting on the kitchen counter besides him but far enough to not disturb me.

"yes I know that. That's why im making this" finally he present me our breakfast.

 That's why im making this" finally he present me our breakfast

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