Chapter 2

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your p.o.v

I didn't pretty picked up what just happened but I know that my back felt cold for laying on the ground and something heavy hovering me. My head hit the floor pretty hard so it makes me dizzy for awhile.

"o-ouch- i-im sorry. Are you alright?" That voice came from infront of me. Its a 'he' voice but im too dizzy to be surprised or shock.

Now is when I realize what happened. Someone just running and accidentally bumps towards me and now that someone hovering over me. That someone is choi seungcheol, swimming club's captain.

Now my lips dry cause a guy, a hot popular guy hovering me at the school hall infront of whoever passing by and literary, lots of people passing by.

"my head dizzy but it would be worst if we stay like this" I whisper, trying to cover my embarrassment.

He finally got the clue and quickly gets up and help me as well. We pet the dust away from us and fix ourself. Finally I could look at him in better view but once our eyes met, we couldn't help to let an amused chuckles. What happened are embarrassing but funny enough to laugh.

"sorry for what happened just now. Im seungcheol " he smile, still have hint of embarrassed and offer his hand for handshake.

"Its okay. No one hurt so.... its fine. Im y/n" i grab his hand and shake it lightly.

Somehow, he gave me a deep long stare. He took 5 seconds solid of stare and handshake, it makes me nervous. When i was about to retreat, he hold it tighter and leans his face closer to me.

"H-h-hey. W-what are you doing?" I ask with uncomfortable smile, hope he realize it.

Finally he let my hand go and a bigger smile appear his lips.

"Y/N!! You are Jeonghan's best slash crush friend, right?! Do you remember me? S.Coups! Jeonghan relay member back then. We have met before" he said with enthusiastic vibe

All i could do is blink in confusion. First, how can he easily add 'crush' between bestfriend? And as long as i remember, jeonghan only swim solo. He never mention relay.

"Maybe you mistaken me with other jeonghan. My Jeonghan only swim freestyle solo" i said. This man getting weird and i need to leave before things get even more confusing.

"Oh? Hhmmmm.... maybe he didnt tell you... yet? Do you have time? Since he is facing final test, me and him rarely hangout. I thought he is dead. Ive been wanting to meet you for such a long.. long time. Never thought we met this way"

Now my mind get even confuse. I dont even remember this guy- or we actually never met moreover, he always hangout with Jeonghan? Why i never knew about him? Jeonghan never hangout with random people and he never hangout with acquaintances frequently.

"Lets go? I have a good place to have your late lunch!" He quickly grab my arms and pull me who now generally in deep confusion.


Jeonghan P.O.V

"I know... you already retire but you look fine now, so.... are you joining?"

'Where is y/n? I believe i said i finish my paper 12:30 right? Hhmmm... but maybe she wait for too long- no no no... she usually will wait for me no matter what. Its not like she can walk home alone. Unless.....'

"Yoon Jeonghan. Are you even listening?"

I quickly snapped out of my deep thought when DK lightly shakes my shoulder. I look around and just realize we finally at the front door of SvTeen Café. How long have i been thinking about y/n?

"Jeonghan, dont tell me you still thinking about y/n" DK talk with teasing manner and even poking me everywhere.

Its annoying when he said stuff like that. We have been friend since the first day of my class. It start with him forgot to bring pen while i forgot to bring books or papers so thats how we still sit next to each other and hangout from time to time.

This making him know the existence of Y/n. She always by my side, its rarely to see us apart but when we are not together, that is when DK took the chance to tease me. He knew about y/n existence so of course he knew about her existence in my 'heart'.

I just give him a glare before take out  my phone, checking if y/n did drop any call on my way here since im too spacing out just now- thinking about her.

"Yah, Yoon Jeonghan. I’ve told you, she might be home waiting for you- you didnt appear for half an hour. Of course she thought-"

"No. She couldnt walk home alone" i cut his words before he could finish it. Somehow, talking about y/n with him making me more worried.

"She afraid walking home alone. She called me for more than 5 times- no, i have 15 missed call from her"

"Its not your fault. Now relax... chill~ y/n is not a baby. She might walking home with someone else-"

"That is even more worrying! What if she is walk with someone that just- just!"

Out of sudden, DK turn me around by my shoulder and push the door before forcing me to take a step inside.

"I dont know why you guys arent dating and why you still not admitting the fact you love her but you need to chill"

He forcefully push me straight to the counter without caring the possibilities of me bumped with whoever passing by.

"She is not a baby and she also need a trustful friend that could help her be independent. So now, lets celebrate our last paper"

DK beams his innocent smile, keep persuading me everything will be alright. I still have hesitation and still want to sprint to my house to check over her but what he said was right. She is not a baby anymore and i need to help her be independent. Thats the first purpose she decided to study thousands miles away from family.

"Yeah..... you are right" a heavy sigh leaves my lips.

"Maybe she already home waiting for me. She would never walk home with random guys. I can buy something here and apologize for not telling her i will be late"

"Thats my man! But.... why you need to buy food? You just bought that"

"Food is the only thing that could cool down her burning heart"

DK laugh because he knows how close and intimate relationship between food and y/n. He would never forget how she run around the campus to catch him for eating her bento without permission.

We both order the same thing and i bought creampuff and red velvet since  that are her favourite. I couldnt stop smiling because she sure will beams her gorgeous sunflower smile when see this.

"Jeonghan, lets sit there? Usually waiters will pass that table frequently. I want to try that waiter over there, who knows i will have a date tonight" Dk gave me a wink and all i could do is glare but still smiling, such a lonely guy.

I didnt decline his suggestion besides, that table has a good scenery. It is beside wall-lenght window glass that facing the street which full with flowers and green.

"Yeah, sure. Here, use this card for discount. I will wait for you there"

I hold the tray close to me and focus on not falling over. That table from the counter are not that far so im not carrying the responsibilities that long.

I take a seat and enjoy my warm drinks, it taste perfect especially for this season. I let my mind drift into other world while i look at the blue sky that have cute clouds marching onwards.

I could hear y/n voice giggling. She always did that every time we saw something pretty. She adore everything that beautiful and express it with her giggles, that is one thing i love about her.  When she giggle like that, my heart felt a comfort tingles and it force me to smile.

Suddenly, something drop near my chair and it snap me out of my daydream. It took me a nano second to realize its a phone and its not mine. I saw a small hand try to reach it so i bend over to take it and hand it over to that person.

"O-oh! Thank you, sorry for bothering you"

Wait, this voice sounds like- Dont tell me.

I quickly snap my head up to look at the owner of that voice.


I look straight into her eyes and she also surprise. Her eyes open wide but then she glace over the person across her table slightly.

I give her a slight frown and turn my head to look at who is it and my eyebrows furrowed even more.

"S.coups? Why...... why are you here with him- arent you supposed to be home now?" My hand quickly wrap around her wrist and my eyes still looking into her nervous eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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