I almost thought...
That our friendship surpassed all boundaries.
that I knew who you were,
thought I could make your life better,
that you didn't have to hide
your real person
from me
cause I thought you knew
that I would never give up on you.
But now...
It terrifies me to think
that the person who knows me
better than I know myself
is hiding something
isn't all flowers and butterflies
was ever hurting
so much
that they
did that to themselves.
I wanted to be there,
wanted to be the friend
you could tell anything to
and know that
anything you said couldn't
possibly change the fact
that when I look at you,
I have to look into the sun,
cause you're
so high up there
in my mind,
at least.
I guess I wasn't,
and I'll never be able
to forgive myself.
But you know
darn well
that I'll work
harder than ever
and maybe
you'll give me
a second chance
Cause no one deserves
to have to survive through pain like that.
But know,
whenever you need it,
I'm here
I'll listen
Don't feel like you're alone
Cause you never are.
Remember that forever.