Chapter 1

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"It's okay dad, I'm going to be fine."

My dad had told me stories of how his team can be at times. He was scared that I would lose my innocence I guess. I wasn't scared that much though. I met a lot of the team when I was little, but never all at once.

"Are you sure?" He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye.

It's as if he was asking me to do something that would put me I'm a bad place.

Well that might be what he's thinking.

I took his hands off my shoulders and said "Yes, now can we please go." I gave him an ushering look, he nodded, still a worried look in his eye, and we both walked out to my car.

We rode to the office in silence. I wasn't in the mood for talking and I don't think he was either. I'll admit I was nervous because I hadn't met some of the newer agents that joined the team. The radio wasn't playing my dad didn't like music, especially my kind.

We pulled up to the building towering over where I sat.

'This is my new life' I thought.

Apparently I was too deep in thought because my dad had to shake me to get me back to reality.

"Nette are okay?"

"Ya, let's go reunite with the team." He smiled.

It seemed like he only smiled around me and Jack.

My dad had to go take care of business with a different department, so he just told me to go on up and meet him in his office in an hour.

I walked into the elevator my hands shaking horribly.

A hand reached out and stopped the door before it could close. He gave me a quick glance.

I clicked 7 just as he was about to and he smiled.

I looked up at this handsome man, he looked just about my age, maybe 26, beautiful brown eyes, and a stressed demeanor about him. He was stressed about something.

It suited him well.

He noticed I was looking and smiled, I whipped my head around and blushed hoping he wouldn't notice.

The door opened to a wide area of desks with files and paperwork and people running around everywhere. I never asked him what his name was. As if almost on cue the handsome man almost ran out of the elevator with his messanger bag hitting me in the side. He didn't notice but it hurt.

I put my hand on my side and walked over to my dad's office and sat down in his chair, to wait until he showed up.

'Hopefully I never run into him again. That would just be awkward. UGH, will he hurry just a little bit, I want to go see Garcia.' I thought. I've never been a very patient person, hey, at least I know which side of the family I get it from.

I was playing a game on my phone when he finally showed up in the doorway. He motioned for me to follow him, we had a case, that was the look he always gave me

I walked into the room already filled with all the people I had known pretty much my entire life. Garcia ran up and hugged me, almost knocking me to the ground.

"How have you been Nette? I haven't seen you since you were little! How old are you? Wait is she our new team member??" She frantically said, as if we were having a gossip session.

"I have been great! I am 26, and yes I am the newest member to your team."

I got shocked looks all throughout the room. Congratulations filled the room. My dad sighed, he probably figured this type of reaction. I scanned all the faces, noticing the handsome man. He smiled. May as well ask him what his name is if I am going to be working with him.

I walked up to the handsome man and raised my hand to his. "Hey, my name is Annette Hotchner." He suddenly realized who I was and blushed. He dropped his pen before anyone could notice. "I-um- My name's Spencer. Spencer Reid but can call me Reid."

I knew it. This was the kid that my dad always talked about talking his ear off about facts for the most random things. Nice to finally meet the kid who drives my dad crazy. And I thought that was my job. The room went silent, only JJ picking up what just happened.

"Have you two met before...?" JJ said, sounding suspicious.

My dad turned his head, as if he was going to ask the same question eventually.

"I- uh- yeah, we uh bumped into each other in the elevator." I sayed. "I've heard so many things about you." I said directing my attention back to him.

"All good things I hope." By that point he was scanning through files like a madman.

"Oh, if only.." my voice trailed off and the team started laughing.

He looked hurt for a second then realised why and smiled at my remark. I think he picked it up.

I shook my head and sat down in the seat in front of him. He was definitely a character.

This was going to be an amazing job.

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