Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes ever so slightly so that no would notice that I was awake. It's not that I was still tired, it was that I wasn't ready to deal with talking about all that had happened. My eyes found Annette first whose gaze was drifting between me and Derek. 

Her facial expression changing from that of an angered expression to an annoyed almost impatient look when her eyes drifted back to me. It was different though the way she looked at me I could tell that it was more than the annoyance. I studied her eyes more and found that the glare was masking something else. Something that made her eyes soften and twinkle, if I didn't know any better I would say I saw love in her eyes. That couldn't be right though, could it? 

Maybe it was just concern that I saw in her eyes, that was all. That had to be all. I sat up a little more in my chair my eyes meeting hers once more, causing her to look away. I yawned fully sitting up the chair, we had stopped moving so I assumed that the jet has landed. Everyone had started to grab their things and silence had settled minus the occasional comments from Derek about how she had been staring at me. 

What he didn't know is that half of the time she had been staring at me, I had been staring at her. I finally got up to gather my things being the last to get off the jet. We all exchanged hugs and then waved goodbye.

"See you all tomorrow," Hotch says starting to make his way to his F-150. We all nodded and each of us walked to our vehicles. I opened the door to my new Alexus and tossed my bags into the back. I got into the driver's side and started the ten minute drive to my apartment. I pulled into the drive, when I noticed my sister standing at the door.

"Daphne?" I asked as I got out of the car slowly, "What are you doing here?" I continued. I waited a minute until she finally noticed me turning her head to acknowledge my presence.

"Haven't you heard?" Her voice was bitter as she continued to speak, "The FBI killed Danny." When I didn't reply she continued to question, "You didn't know?"

I tried to formulate an answer because she didn't know about me being in the FBI, the only person besides the team that knew was my mom.

"No I didn't know that," I answered quickly covering up the fact that I knew before it occurred to me how in the world did she know, "How did you find out?"

She sighed and rubbed the side of her head before continuing, "Dad told me, he got a call from Aunt Julia, she had gotten a call from Agent Hotchner from the FBI saying they had to shoot him. On the account that he was killing people who served as surrogates for you,"

I moved the FBI bag that was resting in my hand, carefully behind my back as I reached over hugging her with my free arm.

"Oh my god that is terrible," I said in faux shock my voice twinged with sadness, but I had to keep the other half of my life from family. She was under the impression that I work for a prestigious photography company here in Quantico and I had explained that was why I was away so much. She had believed me and so had my father. 

After breaking away I invited her into the door, and motioned to the couch that sat a few feet from the door.

"Here take a seat," I said. She plopped down on the couch and looked around her gaze lingering on the books lining the walls. She admired the large collection of books as she too had an affinity for teh This was due to how smart she was as well having an IQ of 156.

"You want anything to drink?" I asked motioning to the door of my kitchen. She followed my motion with her eyes to the door, before saying, "If you have any coffee that would be nice."

"Of course I do," We both chuckled at that, having laughed so much she cried she wiped her tears off her face as I walked into the kitchen. I was making coffee and thinking as I took in the silence in the apartment. When it occurred to me, how had she known where I lived? I shrugged it off after a minute thinking that Hotch must have said something about where I lived in the phone call. Just as I was finishing the coffee I felt a burning sensation in the back of my head, hearing something heavy clatter to the floor. Just as I was turning everything went black.

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