Ch. 14

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It didn't take long for Jenny to patch up Sebastian's arms and soon the boy was sleeping on Kyle's makeshift bed. It was uncomfortable, but better than the cement. His withdrawals​ we're hitting him hard.

Jenny and Kyle sat next to him protectively. They watched as people walked back and forth in the crowded area talking and staying warm. It use a bit colder than normal, autumn was right on them.

"That was intense." Kyle took a sip of vodka and handed it off to Jenny.

She shook her head. "Pass. I have to leave soon."

"So soon? You just got here."

Jenny smiled weakly. "I have to tell Tyler. He has to deal with this."

"Like he dealt with it before? Seriously wasn't cool, the kid's a mess as it is and from what I heard Tyler didn't put it nicely when he kicked him out."

"Yeah, I know. I think the drug problem is just to much for him, but he needs to fix this."

"You think he will?"

Jenny bit her lip. "I really hope so. He cares so much even if he's trying to act like he doesn't. This isn't good for either of them."

"Do you know what the deal with Jamie is?"

"The guy's a creep, that's all I can really tell. He's manipulative and disgusting." Jenny knew about the tape that had happened a few years ago. It made her stomach turn just thinking about it.

"Well, let's keep him away."


Sebastian woke with a headache and a sore neck. He sat up and blinked a few times at the darkness around him. Had he really slept that long?

Many people stood around the fire barrels, huddled together to keep warm. He shivered, realizing how cold it actually was.

Since his stuff had been stolen he didn't have a coat, only the knitted hand warmers currently on his hands. Something shifted next to him and he looked over to find a rat eating the leftover chips he had left out. He watched the animal for a few minutes before it scurried off.

Kyle wasn't anywhere in sight. Once again Sebastian was left alone.

His fingers brushed the aching and bruised skin of his neck. He vaguely remembered the feeling of Jamie's warm lips, his skin tingled and he felt warmth rise to his cheeks.

Stop it, he mentally criticized himself. Remember what he did to you?

A counter voice started in his head soon after the last thought.

Then again Tyler did kick you out. He hates you. Your mom hates you. Your brother hates you. Jamie, he seems to like you. At least want you. Plus he has what you need.

Sebastian looked down to his shaking hands. His body desperately craving what he was depriving it of. The drugs, he could feel the need for them building up. It made him want to scratch his skin off in frustration.

You need to stop if you want Tyler to love you again.

That was the only thing keeping him from giving in. Only, Tyler didn't care anymore. So he shouldn't care either.

Finally making up his mind his stood on shaking legs and went to find Kyle and his phone.


"It's not good, Tyler." Jenny sat on the couch with Tyler's head in her lap playing with his hair. "You need to help him."

"He doesn't want my help. Cody will take care of it."

"Will he really? Have you even heard anything back?" Jenny's fingers rested on Tyler's head, unmoving.

"Well no, but that's because I don't need to know anything. We broke up."

Jenny sighed. "You shouldn't have."

Tyler sat up defensively. "And why is that? I don't think you realize how much pain he caused me. I knew he was on drugs, but I couldn't do anything about it because he would shut me out. He used MY razor to cut his wrist for God's sake?! I couldn't help him!"

Jenny furrowed her eyebrows at Tyler's tone. "Then make sure someone else IS! Don't just leave him on his own without even knowing if someone else is going to look out for him." She was angry that Tyler was being so selfish. "You really don't get it."

"What's to get?" Tyler threw his arms up in frustration. "He made his choice. I told him to tell me the truth and he chose to lie."

"Fine whatever." Jenny grabbed her jacket from the arm of the couch and walked towards the door. "But when he turns up dead you'll regret it."

Tyler's heart clenched at the words and his teeth clamped together. Jenny walked out the door without another word and Tyler slammed his fist against the wall with tears in his eyes. This is what love was getting him.


"Yo, Kyle!" Sebastian called out to the man who was leaned against his cane talking to a group of people he didn't recognize. Kyle's eyes lit up when he saw the boy and motioned for him to come over.

"Hey kid. What's up?"

Sebastian looked at each individual in the proximity before answering. "I need my phone back."

"Sure." Kyle pulled it out of his pocket, but paused right before it reached Sebastian's grasp.

"Common, man. I don't have all damn day." Sebastian tried to grab it from him, but Kyle pulled it from his reach.

"What do you need it for?"

"Why the fuck do you care? It's my phone." Kyle raised an eyebrow and put the phone back in his pocket. Sebastian sighed. "Fine, fuck you." He lifted a middle finger before turning to leave.

Surprisingly Kyle didn't try to stop him and didn't offer to give his phone back so Sebastian continued walking, trying to pretend that it didn't bother him even though he was pissed. What did Kyle think he was doing? It wasn't his phone and what Sebastian did definitely wasn't any of his concern.

Now he had to find another way to contact Jamie. It shouldn't be to hard.

The Drugs Won't Help Book. 2Where stories live. Discover now