Ch. 15

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After walking a few laps around the old warehouse Sebastian was about ready to give up. He had thought Jamie would have stayed around the area after what had happened earlier, but maybe he was wrong.

He kicked a pebble into the side of the building and listened to it bounce off the metal siding. Kyle still hadn't come to look for him which Sebastian was grateful for. He was the last person he wanted to see.

"Come on Asshole! I know you're here!" Which was a lie. For all he knew he could be talking to no one. Jamie was probably out doing his own thing.

Suddenly there was the sound of metal scraping on metal. One of the ladders that had been chained up to the roof slid down to the ground beside him. He looked up to find none other than Jamie leaning over the roof of the building with bolt cutters in hand. "Asshole? Common, Babe I'm not that bad."

"How long have you been up there?" Sebastian could hardly see in the darkness, but the few spot lights around the lot helped brighten the place a little.

"Long enough to watch to stomp around the building a few times. Are you coming up here or not?"

"You gonna make a move on me again? Cause I think I'll stay down here."

"Shut up. I'm not going to do anything to you," he paused. " Unless you want me to."

Sebastian thought for a moment, but started up the ladder before he could decide it was a bad idea.

Once at the top he looked around to find that Jamie was nowhere it sight. In the middle of the roof there was a small shed looking thing where the stairs to inside the building came up to the roof. It was dark and that kind of freaked his out. "Jamie?"

Jamie stepped out from behind the shed with a lit cigarette in his mouth. "Decided to come up then I see."

"Not for you."

Jamie placed two fingers around the cigarette and pulled it away from his lips. "I figured. Your hands are shaking pretty bad."

Sebastian crossed his arms to try to stop the trembling of his body. It didn't help and he sighed. " I need something."

"Don't worry I have some. Just one thing."

"What this time?"

"You can have it for a kiss."

Sebastian nodded slowly. "Okay." That wasn't to bad.

"Not a half assed one though. An actual kiss. No peck on the cheek. No soft touch of the lips. An actual kiss."

That was worse, but still doable. "Fine, whatever. Just as long as I get my side of the deal."

"You will, I have something right here." He tapped his front pocket in his jacket with his hand.

Determined to get this over with, Sebastian walked across the roof closer to Jamie. Jamie stomped his cigarette out on the roof.

Sebastian stopped barley a foot away from the other man they were so close that Sebastian could smell him. It wasn't bad he had to admit, but it did make him uneasy.

Jamie reached out more gently than Sebastian could ever imagine him being and rubbed a thumb across his jawline. Sebastian closed his eyes and couldn't help himself when he leaned into the touch.

He hated that his body betrayed him to even the smallest amounts of human contact. Even someone like Jamie could make him feel warm and fuzzy inside if done just right.

"I'm not going to hurt you again. I didn't want to the first time."

Sebastian knew that it probably wasn't true, but at least he was wanted. Jamie wanted him, unlike Tyler and his own family.

The Drugs Won't Help Book. 2Where stories live. Discover now